welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I don't support California's Prop 8

I do not intend to be a potstirrer by posting this. I just have to be true to how I feel--even if it means people are upset over it. I don't live in California and will obviously not be voting for or against Prop 8 but due to the attention Utah has paid to this proposition and due to my fellow bloggers (who don't live in CA either) who have expressed their opinion on Prop 8, I feel like I need to share my opinion. This, mainly so that I can rest easy at night. I consider myself an active member of the LDS Church. Maybe I lack faith, maybe I need to follow my Prophet's teachings more dutifully, maybe maybe maybe. The bottom line is that I don't support Proposition 8. I feel like the LDS opposition to this Proposition is much like the church's opposition to the Equal Rights Movement. Maybe later I'll feel differently and be very humbled by how stupid I was (that happens a lot) but right now I have my beliefs and unfortunately they don't coincide with most of my peers (although much of my family agrees-thank-goodness) and my church. I still have to hold true though. I'd like to think that at the time of the Equal Rights Movement, I would have stood for it too despite my culture's choice. I am saddened that a political movement has NEVER seen such mobilization and activism from LDS church members as this movement has. Why only this issue? Why don't we call our senators, etc and challenge other issues during our FHE hours? I am not so self involved to think that I know more than anybody who supports Prop 8. I don't want to change any one's mind on the matter. I don't think I know more than the LDS leaders. All I know is that in my heart, I feel like the passing of Prop 8 isn't okay. I don't think it's okay to deny certain rights to my LGBTQ brothers and sisters. I do not feel like our religious freedom is at risk--arguing that not being allowed to oppose gay marriage goes against one's religious freedom sounds a lot like arguing that not being allowed to oppose being black and married goes against one's religious freedoms. It's just the way I feel.


Michael said...

Amen. Being in MO, we haven't heard a lot about this, but it has definitely bothered me. I just don't feel that gay marriage somehow lessens my marriage. Should the church be required to perform religious gay marriages? Of course not. This is a civil, legal issue, in my opinion, and I fell that deeply committed couples of whatever persuasion should be afforded the same legal rights afforded by traditional marriage. I haven't completely formed and articulated my thoughts. Your thoughts have helped, and I'm encouraged to see you state your feelings. Thanks.

Michael said...

http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-ed-prop8-2-2008nov02,0,5926932.story This article makes a great argument. Things just get messy when religion and politics/law get too mixed. There is a delicate that I haven't figured out.

Amber said...

Im not going to write all the reasons why I disagree with you. But, to me the bottom line is are we or arent we going to follow the prophet, he is the mouth piece of the Lord.

shereesa said...

I agree! Frankly I'm annoyed Utah is making such a big deal about something we have Zero say in!! Lets focus on the issues we are voting on shall we! Also there was a time in our church where we were treated as outsiders, "crazy", and denied our basic rights.... how can we after living through that do the same thing to others who are expressing their beliefs? I will get off my soap box now but thanks for the post it needed to be said.

Jessica Littlefield said...

I appreciate you sharing your opinion without belittling the other side. Much better to have a tasteful discussion than a bunch of fingerpointing, eh?

Hillary said...

Now I could leave some bitchy comment on you blog saying that you only post YOUR opinion (as you've done here), but THIS IS YOU BLOG! You can post whatever the hell you want. See how blogging works????