welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A funny...or not so funny experience

{Warning: not for those with weak stomachs or who don't appreciate a little TMI here and there.}

Now that it's been a few days I thought I would post about this lovely experience we had driving home from Idaho on Sunday (p.s., we had a GREAT time in Idaho for Easter and I will post about that later). So first of all, I take back everything I said about feeling better...GRRR!!!! I had about 1.5 weeks where I really felt quite good. That all-day I'm gonna hurl feeling had really subsided and I really was puking less. Well, the bad days are back with a vengeance! I've been almost as sick as I was during the 1st trimester. I'm not going to lie, I'm becoming a wimp about it. Some days I just sit by the toilet and cry...I want it (the sickness) to be over. But, I'm still very happy so no fear.

Anyway, here's the story. We attended church in Swan Lake with the family. They have early church but I intentionally woke up early enough to eat breakfast and get the morning hurl out of the way. Well, my idiot self sits the closet in on the bench and of course I end up having to get up in the middle of Sacrament to puke. So...this was when I knew my Karma was waxing thin...there were two stalls and which one do I choose? The one that doesn't FLUSH! A 50/50 chance! Of course I figure that out after expelling everything in my member.

And then it just got better. Well, it did for a while, we had a FANTASTIC dinner and egg hunt and then headed for home. I made it to about Provo before I realized I needed to eat...and NOW! Of course we had passed all the main exits but low and behold, I saw the golden arches from the freeway. I am NOT a big Mickeydees fan but it would do. SO we stopped and I got two hockey puck hamburgers and we went on our way. I got the first one down and knew instantly it was coming back up. So, I grabbed the bag (still full of good food) and, well, you know the drill. Todd got over on the closet exit and raced to the closest gas station. I went to get out and Ty jumped onto my lap. So, I gently set the bag down, pushed him off, and eased the bag off the floor. AND...well, the bottom of the bag busted. All over the car. So then, I went to get stuff to clean the car and OF COURSE the gas station was closed! It was only 8pm! And no, I'm not done. With the force of the puking (it was a bad one) and the gas station being closed, I pee'd my pants. No lie. Full on pee'd.

Obviously, it was a rough drive. Ty also got sick from all the human food his relatives gave him and proceeded to FART the entire drive home...in my face. Like I said, now that it's been a few days I can laugh about it but at the time it was not so funny. That bit was worth it though because we had such a wonderful time with the Gambles Family. Todd's mom is so good to us and it was a much needed rest. I just had to tell about that story...comical at the least right?


Charles Family said...

Oh Chels, I am so very sorry. I have to admit I was laughing while I read your post, but not because I enjoy your pain, but because I've had days where I wanted to just give up and I'm sure that's how you felt. I hope things are going better. Love you friend!

Aubree said...

You poor girl, I hope this ends soon.

Jessica Littlefield said...

Oh you poor girl! But I sure got a good laugh out of it!