Sunday, February 28, 2010
January 10th, 2010, Lyla received a name and a blessing from her dad. She was 4 months old (a little on the old side but with the holidays and H1N1, RSV and other things looming, it had to do). It was such a special day for all of us. How we beamed with pride to see our daughter all dolled up, smiley, and beautiful. Todd was quite nervous about the blessing, I was nervous about how she'd do (not that she fusses much or anything but she has attuned stranger danger), but everything worked out wonderfully. Todd gave a beautiful blessing (although I was, admittedly disappointed there was nothing in there about an MD or Ph.D), and Lyla was as sweet as can be (I'm told she smiled the whole time). We had a lot of support from family and friends. Thank you thank you. Many traveled a long way..and so close after the holidays-I'm sure it wasn't the most convenient of trips. It meant a great deal to us though. My mom made every stitch of this dress and I need not point out how beautiful it is. We dreamed it up together. It was so strange because when my mom asked me what I had in mind for the dress, we both had the same idea, which is nothing like any dresses found in the stores. I wanted something off white or cream, vintage looking, with beaded trim. The challenge was actually finding the materials. It took several trips to different fabric stores, including a random shop in West Valley but we found it. My mom is so talented and I am so happy she made this for us. These pictures don't capture how magnificent it is but Jenny did a little photo shoot for me with her in it and I will post those pictures when I get them. I was so frazzled that morning (we had JUST switched to 9am church), that I didn't even snap a single photo of her alone. Thank goodness for big sisters. You did good Lylee (what the second counselor announced her as). Love you...:)