welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Sunday, March 21, 2010

5 months (a month late)

Dear Lyla,
I've decided that the Lord must have a plan; the longer you wait for your babe, the cuter and more lovable she is. It's not just me, people remark all the time about how happy and just down right cute you are. You're happy disposition is infectious. You are simply beautiful. This might sound sort of self involved, but my favorite part about this month is that the love we have has become much more reciprocal. Or simply, you show love now (for me! and dad). You are quite the mommas girl. You want to be held and attended to 24-7. You watch me when I'm not holding you and whine about it! No worries, I adore it. You know when I'm holding you versus others and beg and make faces for me to snatch you up when others are holding you. I'm sure at some point, if this ensues, we'll have to do something about it, but right now, I'm lapping it up. I say you're the happiest baby there is; as long as you're involved and with mom. You're always good to go and be along for the ride, which goes a long nicely with our lifestyle. Dad claims that you hate him because at times you cry when he picks you up (and he claims, pushes against his chest) but he just doesn't see what I do. Your face brightens when he enters a room and he can get you to smile better than anyone. He comforts you. Despite your momminess, You have certainly become more independent this month as well. You're entertained by things for longer periods of time and become more and more inquisitive as your motor skills develop. I'll end as always, love you:)
Some things about you at 5 months:
  1. You sat up for the first time on Feb 12th. It lasted 5 whole seconds!!!
  2. You are so very close to rolling over. I think you haven't developed the ability yet because you have almost no tummy time. This, because of the reflux; you bawl your eyes out, puke, and then bob you face in it. So I don't care what the docs say. We're not doin tummy time!
  3. You're loving "The Barnyard Hullaballoo" & "Chica Chica 123" for books
  4. You've been less and less enthused by the bink but this month you rejected if for good.
  5. Your very most favorite pastime this month has been jumping in your free standing jumper; while watching Baby Einstein. i call in baby crackstein. You go into a trance watching it and it entertains you for almost an hour!! You jump like crazy too. It's so fun.
  6. I call you my bat girl because you love hanging upside down
  7. The milk allergy thing seems to be managed well by me eliminating dairy. Your tummy seems to hurt you a lot less and not more blood..yay!!
  8. You've made associations with things and have learned to anticipate things. Like when I fill the dropper with medicine, you open your mouth. When I go in for a silly kiss, you close your eyes.
  9. You loved the movie, Avatar! The blue peeps really entertained you
  10. I think you might kinda know how to work it. You do fake cries I'm sure of it.
  11. Ty has become a play toy; you love pulling at his ears and pulling out his hair. Good thing he's a good sport. You crack up when he licks your hands. I hate it.