welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

11 months

-still playing catch-up-
Dear Lyla,
Quit growing my baby! I swear you change everyday and to add to it, you have these periods where overnight you grasp a huge concept, like mimicing, and change in a big way overnight! In all truthfulness, your very cuteness helps me deal because I see each day how I'm not losing all things cute and wonderful, just gaining new things to love about you. The theme of this month is probably personality. My oh my how you have one! You are so lively and seem to just love life. We love live with you here.
* You can scream talk for hours....like just sit there and scream your babbles with excitment.
*You've learned associations between things and anticipate them. Like seeing the puffs container makes you whine a little, etc.
* I don't think you're a fan of sour things. You DO NOT like raspberries! You get the funniest sour puss face
*We're learned that NOTHING is sacred at our house. Even our bodies! You love crawling all over us while we lay on the carpet
*You're discovering your body more...including your diaper. You tug and pull at it when you're naked. I hope this isn't a sign of your future plans to take off your diaper. You rub your belly when you're naked. So cute
*You decided you like solids! Now you pretty much eat with us. You are a major carb-a-holic though. If we give you bites of a hamburger, you only eat the bun, and so on. If you had your choice you'd live off of fruit bread, puffs and chocolate.
*You still LOVE your bath. You start thrashing when the water starts filling because you just want to jump right in.
*You lay your head on my pillow to fall asleep. It's so cute
*Everyone knows when you're doing the #2. You make it quit know by getting on all fours and grunting up a storm. Quite the workout I think
*Any empty thing (or thing than can be emptied) becomes your little play home. It's so funny, you crawl into baskets, laundry baskets, toy bins, you name it!
*You love juice in the sippy but refuse to hold it for yourself. Can't decided if it's diva-ness of inability.
*You LOVE the itsy bitsy spider still and now will do the spider movements with your hands.
*You are so playful right after waking up. I love it. You just want to go go go
*This month has been the month of code browns in the bath tub. Not sure why but it's not cool Lyla
*Laundry baskets seem to be your everest and you work hard to empty them so you can climb in them
*You are still not the best sleeper in the world. Or, maybe the worst ;) You wake anywhere from 4-8 times a night and still don't nap well. Somehow you're still always happy though. Go figure.
*You have 4 teeth


Aimee said...

Very exciting! Hope the pregnancy is going well.

Lyla will be a big sister soon enough.

Sundi @ The Life of a Cheap Chickadee said...

What?!!!! That is awesome! I'm excited for you! Congrats!!

summergibbs said...

Congratulations!!!!! So excited for you! Isn't it weird how the first one can take so long and the second just shows up? At least that's how it went for us. Did you know Boyd and Sheena are expecting around the same time?