welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Monday, February 11, 2008

Saturday morning Todd suprised me with a weekend getaway for Valentines Day (my family will be here next weekend). Oh! I was so touched by his thoughtfulness. He had the whole rest of the weekend planned. The day started with a drive to Logan. East of Hyrum, up a beautiful canyon, is Hardware Ranch. Its this beautiful area nestled between two mountains where herds and herds of Elk come to feed naturally in the Winter. It's so amazing. It's not an Elk refugee, but a place Elk naturally migrate to. Anyways, they offer sleigh rides literally amongst the Elk. This was so much fun! The drive up the canyon was so romantic. We just chatted the entire time and enjoyed the wonderful scenery. When we approached the area I was literally in shock. 1) there was so much SNOW! On the drive up there were times where the road turned into one lane because the snow on the other lane was too think to be cleared!!! 2) I have never seen so much Elk!! This was such a great way to start out our romantic getaway.

Heading Out

Sardine Canyon (on the way to Logan) also had a TON of snow...it was so beautifulThis is the side of the highway. That's like 6 Ft high!!!Another view of the majestic snow!This river snaked along the canyon road...it was so picturesque and ROMANTIC!!! The shot as you approach the Ranch. Basically all those dark spots are ElkAnother shot of these massive herds!Look at my new MITTENS. A Target find. They're so much warmer than gloves!Waitin in line...BrrrThe sleighOur escorts, Nickie and AubreySleigh Bells ring...An interesting fact....after Elk have their babies they leave them for about six weeks because as babies, Elk have no scent. They are kept safer this way by not being near their mothers who have a strong scent. Once they're old enough the mothers reunite with their babies. The added winter fur makes them look funky! Almost like a LlamaWe were literally three feet from this motha. What a sight up close!Our tour GUIDE. He was hilarious
Anniversary Inn
Following our sleigh ride, Todd informed me that we were spending the night at the Anniversary Inn!! I've always wanted to stay there and can I just say that it absolutely lived up to its reputation. They definately know romance there. Todd had them scatter rose petals are we entered, they had music playing and cider on ice awaiting us. The room was amazing. Some features included a huge jetted tub, an intelligel bed, robes, two slices of cheesecake, Mint truffles, Bath and Body Works supplies and the list goes on and on. I will spare you the details but the evening was so romantic and lovely. Our lives get so busy that I think we forget about the wonderful thing we have called a soul mate! It was so nice to go back to that carefree place, new at love and oblivious to the world around us. It was like four years ago in an instant.

Our room was the upper bay window top right.

The petals!The booze...NOT!

Relaxation in a plastic cylinder
Note the two TV's! It's so you can watch TV while in the tub. We of course didn't do that bc we were spending quality time together but it was a good idea.
Going out for Dinner...We went to Iron Gate Grill. It was delicious. I got a teriyaki wrap and Todd had pasta.
The massive bed, it was sooo comfortable!

Our robes! It was like out of Pretty Woman (minus the hooker part)
Does it get more romantic than this??
Our Cheesecake!!! Yummy (so not diet approved)
Cheating!Our breakfast they brought us the next morning. It was a parfait and a pastry filled with strawberries and cream cheese. It was amazing.
I guess the gist of this post is that I have the most wonderful husband in the world (sorry ladies). Basically, he knows just how to make me feel special and loved. Thanks hunny!!! Forever and Ever I love YOU!!!!


Aubree said...

I love anniversary inn!! I'm so glad you had such a good time, props to your husband!! Will you pleeaase have him call my husband? Valentines is still a few days away... I bet he could use the help!