Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Todd got an early present...to feel/see his baby girl! Two nights before Father's Day, I was sitting up in bed and felt some serious kicks so I pulled up the garms to have a look. I told Todd to look at it and he responded by saying I was crazy (I had literally spent half the day trying to get him to feel her and he couldn't-so he was discouraged). Then he went whoa! He saw the ripple of a kick. So then he reluctantly put his hand on my belly and felt her 3 or 4 times. It was so funny cuz each time he acted shocked by the force behind those bad daddys. I think we have a little linebacker on our hands. I was delighted to prove to him that I'm not crazy (at least in that sense). For Father's Day we went camping up Yankee Meadow (more on that later) but this is what else Todd got....
One of my most favoritest books from childhood. Watching the trailor brought me back to those carefree days of my youth-when fantasy wasn't a luxury and anything really did seem possible. I need to get this book for girlfriend. See how underprepared I am?!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I can't believe we're 25 weeks! I remember when my friend Aubree posted about having less than 100 days left. At the time, I thought that still seems like a long time. That was before I knew anything about pregnancy. 100 days or less seems like nothing! Things have been going really well. It's true I am 6 months pregnant and still hurling...but 1/10th of what I was before. It's not every day and sporadic. Still, people look at me like I'm crazy when I say I'm not puke free. I'm just happy to be so much better!