welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

14 Months

Dear Lyla Girl,

You have lived your 14th month of life. I've decided there's a reason the 14th month starts with F. F because it is such a FUN month and F because it is such a FRUSTRATING month. The fun part is watching you become your own little person more and more. I am surprised more and more each day and what a funny and lovable little personality you already have. You are naturally GIRLY! I have no idea where you get these things you do. For example, when playing at Aunt Jenny's, you go straight for the necklaces and put about 100 around your neck. Where did you learn that?! You also strap the purse firmly around your arm. At home, you take swim suits, plastic bags, tank tops and whatever else with a strap and make it your purse! It just KILLS me. Kills me. It's just so fun to see you be your own person. Good grief I love you. The frustrating part is that you are so good at getting into any and everything you want to! Meal times are tough as you want to use a fork and throw food everywhere. You think it's hilarious to tip over cups of whatever. You know the power of whining and whip it out when you need to. You have a knack for recognizing when the toilet seat is down and jet for a little fun (gross). You also love trying to play in the trash, emptying out the few cupboards we didn't think we needed to baby proof. You are simply so curious. I can't even talk about the frustrating part without smiling because even at your worst, you are so lovable. I am forever grateful for each new first I get to have with you that simply melts my heart. Like... the pitter patter of your little feet on the floor... the first time you took my hand and we walked together...
~You love little nursery rhyme songs like Miss Polly and In a Cabin in the Woods. You know the hand movements for calling the doctor and the bunny hopping by. SO adorable. Sometimes when I'm singing another song you'll go "uhh!" and sign the movement of whatever song you DO want. HAHA
~ You love playing with my phone and get TICKED off when it closes and you can't pretend text. I swear you're 1 going on 16
~You know the sound of the garage door opening and get excited to see whoever's coming in
~You recognize mom and dad in pictures and love to carry them around
~You have the cutest little jog! You rarely walk anywhere, but rather jog everywhere.
~You still LOVE the bath. You've now figured out that you can lay on your tummy and kick water everywhere. It's so fun to watch you go nuts
~You've started to try and repeat so many words we say. It sounds like straight up gibberish but I think it's good you're trying!
~You follow short instructions now. Like "come here" and "grab a book". I love it because I know you actually understand me!
~You love your little minky blanket and want it dragged around everywhere! The problem? It's too heavy for you. So instead you pull and whine until dopey mom figures out where you want the blanket. It's tough dealing with your dopey mom huh?
~You like to be chased! You'll run down the hall and then look back to make sure we're coming. Then laugh. It's adorable.
~You have the funniest growl face! You bare your teeth in an underbite and growl! My little chiuauah
~You LOVE signing time. Holy cow. Nowadays you'll grab the remote and make the signing time sign to let us know you want to watch it. It's killer.
~You are starving when you first wake up and sign eat before you even get your eyes open!
~You are such a laptop lover/destroyer. You freak if you see it open and dart for it. Too bad you mostly beat on the keys and do crazy things to it. It's entirely impossible to use the computer when you're awake.
~You love to climb on anything but mostly chairs to get on the table.
Current Fav Foods
Pizza (duh!)
Chicken Bake (you LOVE stovetop..weird?)
Mac N Cheese
Granola Bars (only chocolate chip)
Graham Crackers
New Words
Boo (for book)
Playing with your Little Tikes Nativity

Climbing into the pan cupboard! You get clear to the back

Signing "More"

Nice Bum Where ya From?!

The proof that I do try to make you wear bows

Trying to evade getting dressed!
