welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Codependence & Bryce

It's not the first time Todd and I have been called codependent. I guess there's some real truth to the statement but we're really not that self-aware. Two Mondays ago, Todd was forced to head to Panguitch to work away from home for the first time. It was to be the first night since we got married that would be spend apart! Not to mention the sparse nights we spent apart during our two years of dating (probably didn't amount to even a week that we didn't at least say goodnight to each other). I know it's pathetic but we were REALLY sad about it. He will be working there for three nights and four days a week until October. So, that first day we texted a few times and needless to say, Ty and I ended up heading over to Panguitch to spend two days over there. I really would have grown a pair and not gone over but the hotel he was staying in had Internet so I could work there and we thought it'd be a good transition. Todd also gets per diem that easily covers meals for the both of us. HAHA we are losers. Its now been two weeks and I've visited a total of four days out of eight. Hopefully we'll get stronger tho because with gas etc it's really not that practical.
ANYWHO, Ty and I had LOTS of fun walking around old-town Panguitch and, in the words of the late Doug Miller, "hikin' and a bikin' in a national park" (mostly hiking). Ty and I spent the early mornings hiking in Bryce. We did several trails and saw some really cool things. I've been told it's unsafe to hike alone but thanks to Bear from Man versus Wild, I applied all sorts of survival tips to make sure we didn't get lost or hurt. I checked for high ground when the clouds looked threatening, oriented myself to civilization in the event that I got lost, and of course, pee'd on my shirt and wrapped it around my head when it got too hot. Here's some photos from our hikes. If you find nature pics as boring as I do when I'm not the one actually taking them, then please accept my deepest apologies. More cheesy couple pictures to come I'm sure :)


Michael said...

I love Bryce. Also, I hope Bear Grills (cool name) gets paid a lot of money. He definitely does some crazy stuff that is just disgusting if you're not actually in a life or death situation. Nice reference. I actually saw that one.