welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome back old friend

Its official. The Man has safely returned from his 3-month hiatus and now rests securely where he has always been; on my back. In other words, I got a job!! When I originally envisioned making this post i thought it would be with melancholy and longing for my care-free days of working mid-time (mid-time: word I make up for not part time but not full time), but the road to employment has been so much harder and disappointing than I expected that I couldn't be more excited, happy and relieved to be gainfully employed. I don't know if its a function of the economy, time of year (summer=less psychosis=bad for me) or what but there has literally been NO jobs for me in S. Utah over the last three months of looking. I can safely say there was at best 15 jobs posted that even remotely applied to me in three months-which is NOTHING like the job market in SLC. It has been so frustrating. I looked at every job posting site there is, contacted facilities I would like to work at, even swallowed my pride and used my dad's "good old boy network" to drudge something up and was still so unsuccessful for so long. I guess the market is more condensed here bc so many jobs I heard about were filled before they were publicly posted. I only got two interviews and was offered the second position-the one I was really hoping to get. Shout out to Jenn who told me about the job- she found it one day in the Trib of all places. Thanks for looking out for me! You're the best!!!

It feels so good to have security and to not have to think about all the applications, interviews etc. anymore. Applying for professional jobs SUCKS!!! You have to individualize every resume for each job, write a cover letter, get letters of rec, have references on hand, attend at least two interviews per job, and some on top on that want detailed Vita's etc. It's so exhausting! I was sooo relieved when I got the offer. I felt really good about the interview--but it was really intense. It was a panel interview-members included the director of DCFS, the director of the District Attorney's office, an x-polygamist woman, and then people from the Family Support Center (this will make sense it a minute).

I'm not one to air my dirty laundry but I have really had a hard time this summer. There's more to the story but it was just hard for me to work so little and be HOME all the time. I always had projects and things to do but I've learned that I'm really not one who enjoys relaxing all that much. I don't know whats wrong with me but I just felt like CRAP not having a regular 9-5er. I guess I derive a lot of self worth out of wanting to contribute. Everyone is like that right? It has made me question the whole "stay at home mom" gig. DO NOT get me wrong-I anticipate motherhood being as hard or more hard than working-but what if I go crasy? I've thought a lot about my drive to live by The Man and I don't think its as much about making money so that we can have nice things-I'm really not that driven by wanting a house or a nice car or whatever. I think its about security and not wasting any opportunity to be ahead. This whole summer all I saw was dollar signs wasting away. I'm on a tangent now but basically, I've got issues and I'm really happy to be working again.

About the job. It's with The Family Support Center (FSC) out of Salt Lake. You can check them out here. Their mission statement...


To protect children, strengthen families and prevent child abuse.

My position is quite unique. I will basically be heading up the extension office in St. George. My supervisor is in SLC and we will both be traveling back and forth to coordinate. My job is to help women and families who are transitioning out of polygamy. When I read about the job I knew i wanted it. I have a special interest in religion and its effect on mental health and culture. I knew I could put that to work here. When my supervisor called to offer me the position we talked for almost an hour about our interests and we really jived well. She said some really nice things--that the panel unanimously wanted to hire me and that she really resonated with what I said. She also got me really excited about the job-its basically a new population we know very little about. With all the happenings it is perceived to become a very big area of social services in this region. My supervisor said "I can say with confidence there is no other position like this in Utah". She also wants to tap into my research background and start collecting outcome data on the people we serve so that we might publish in this area.

The job pays crap but there are lots of perks 1) autonomy-I only answer to my supervisior who is in SLC. I have an office in St.George but do not answer to anyone there and I set my own hours 2) gas free-trips to the BYU games---my supervisor scheduled all our SLC meetings around the games so that they can pay for our trip up there! 3) really good insurance and retirement benefits. I'm still staying on at the U doing research job for 5-10 hours a week to supplement my income and I've been in contact with a private practice big-wig here in Cedar and I'm hoping to see a few clients in the evenings each week (just for like 3 hours a week) that will also help the income since it's sooo crappy. I'll basically be going from 20-30 hours a week to 50-60. The Man is a powerful thing you know.

Anywho, I move into my office on Wed, head to SLC Friday for 5-6 hours of meetings (note-first BYU game is Sat) and then I'll be in full swing Monday. Yay for employment!!!!!!! Oh, and thanks for listening to me ramble:)


Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new job! That is great! I'm not looking forward to the day I have to apply for jobs, it sounds like a pretty crappy time! But I'm happy for your new job, I hope you enjoy it. It sounds really interesting.
I'm off to Salt Lake on Saturday!!! I'm freaking out a little, but I'm excited!

Michelle Kelly said...

Congrats!! I am shocked about your job but know you are the perfect person for it. And let's be honest, is there a social work job out there that actually pays what we are worth. No, but that's not why we do it. Welcome to the world of actually getting a full paycheck and using your degree!!

Amber said...

So, Im sad to hear you have had a rough summer. It was really hard for me to transition from being employed to being a mom. Looking back I totally had post pardum (sp?). I think your job sounds so interesting. Im sure you will be great at it.
Are you coming down with Jenny for the D-land trip?

Aubree said...

Wow! Congratulations, you'll have to keep us informed on how it goes and how you like it. But it sounds very interesting. :0) And I think it will suit you very well.

Charles Family said...

Chel- I am so happy for you and so proud of you. You are such an amazing person and I know that you will bring about change that no one else can while working with these families. (Trust me, I know). I remember my therapy sessions with you all too well :) I think you are the one that got me through college. I love you so much and I hope that you know you can always air your dirty laundry out to me. What are friends for?

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Occasionally I read your blog; by the way I absolutely love it. It is so fun to see the ins and outs of your life. After I read this post I had to leave a comment. I can totally relate to the job hunt, talk about frustrating!?! It looks like you found a job where you will be able to make a difference. I am sure you will take the time to understand these women and really truly help them find their way. I think you are the perfect fit :) Best of luck!

shereesa said...

That is awesome! I am so jelous because I am just starting the whole job searching thing. It is so stressful! I get the whole stir crazy thing-- I was going nuts being home all day, it felt like "ground hog day" however now that I have to go to work I am so sad, I don't want to miss out on anything thing with my little girl! Anyway I am so happy for you that job sounds so fun!

Anonymous said...

yeah! you have to give me the insider tips for the whole private practice thing...