welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Sunday, August 10, 2008


So I kinda dropped the ball on the whole milestone bit. I guess denial really is a powerful thing. Anyway, we had two fairly noteworthy milestones in July: My 24th B-day, and our 2-year Anniversary. The latter much more pleasing than the former. I guess the day was pretty decent as far as the whole "one year older" crap goes. I realize that my complaining about this to readers who are my senior closely resembles complaints such as "It's so hard to find size 1 jeans" and "I can never keep my 2-billion sq foot home clean", but I feel like ever since I turned 21 I crossed a threshold into a adulthood that shall never be returned to. Just yesterday I relented and added two tabs to my ever-OCD filing system. Written in cruel bold now rests "RETIREMENT" and "HEALTHCARE". The saddest part is that the folders are already bulging. Sigh.

Moving on (my only real option until I meet my own immortal vampire [no offense honey]), I had a pretty decent day. Todd started spoiling me the night before when we went to the Shakespearean Festival (an Anniversary gift). The night ended with a perfect surprise; he picked up my weekly indulgence: "Smut" magazines AKA "US Weekly" and chocolate:). The grooming continued the next day with new shoes, yes shoe(s), donuts with 24 candles on them (while it sounds cliche for a fat person to say this, I do love donuts) and a voucher for Breaking Dawn. I got to pick the book up Friday at Midnight- a sensible solution to the fact that I haven't had anything to read that so instantaneously strips me of all reason, logic or self respect in over a year! No worries however, I've got my fix until the movie- who knows what rational thinking skills may be robbed from my member then, guess we'll just have to wait and see. Anyway, we had a Costa-Vida picnic for dinner which was of course Todd doing everything he could think of to please me (we had a picnic instead of going to dinner bc he knows I feel guilty leaving Ty alone- pathetic I know). My family also got me some very nice gifts and my mom made me the best knock-off Cheesecake Factory cheesecake I have ever had. Truly divine.

Our Anniversary was also sweeeet. We formally celebrated it in Mexico but I surprised Todd with his favorite dinner (anything meaty) and me with flowers and the tickets. Todd also got a pocket knife (pretty lame right?) and of course, the default; football season tickets. So there, I filled my memorable posts quota for now. Until next time:)

My mom got me this book shelf easel-thing I commented on forever ago. She framed pictures of me at different birthdays over the [many] years. I thought it was pretty thoughtful.

P.S any guess what my favorite month of the year is? I get the 4th and 24 th celebrations, my b-day AND my anniversary. Cheers to July.


Amber said...

Fun times! Good food, shoes and a book. You made out!I miss you guys. any trips down here planned?

Unknown said...

Chels, I love your posts! I always find myself laughing out loud when I read them. Happy birthday/anniversary! I'm turning 24 in a couple months and I'm dreading it, so I completely understand! Not too excited about that one.