welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Because this is the first American Idol I've watched from the start. It's the first time I've had Tivo which helps my easily-bored mind...so I keep posting about it! It's fun to hear what everyone thinks too. Here are my picks this week (NOTE: these are who I want to win. probably not who will win):

And the WILDCARD is...

What are your picks...??!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sean Penn...

Well said my friend, well said.
You never make it hard for me to appreciate you (wink wink:)

I have judged you wrongly. Kudos for showing one less viewing of very deep and meaningful flicks like "He's just not that into you" and making room for movies w/ just a tad more substance. Since my unfair judgement, Cedar not only featured Milk but Slumdog Millionnaire AND will be featuring The Soloist. You might be a little (or A LOT) behind the rest of the world but who's counting? Again, my apologies.

p.s. Yay for Slumdog! The Academy did well this year.

Monday, February 16, 2009

All you need is love

Valentines Day is fastly becoming one of my favorite holidays. Call me sappy, a sell-out, or vain, but I really do love it. Maybe it's because of this lovely tradition we have of going away somewhere romantic for V-day. Must be. This year's surprise was a night's stay at a bed and breakfast in Toquerville, called The Gardens. I'd actually been there before for a wedding and had NO idea it was also a B&B. It was also our first time at a B&B but it wasn't those cheesy types where you engage in activities and eat w/ random people. We had our breakfast brought to our room and holed up there for a day and half. It was so utterly divine. The room was absolutely luxurious. Aside from a trip into St. George for dinner (mmmm, Olive Garden), we just enjoyed relaxing and spending time together. The room didn't have a TV and we didn't even notice. I loved my beautiful flowers and also enjoyed buying random treats and prizes for Todd (seriously, what do you get guys for V-day?) and Ty even got a heart sucker made for dogs. It was perfect! Hoping the rest of you enjoyed time w/ the ones you love.
~The Room~

So Todd and I are pretty sick of the snow...! Almost everyday we cry about how we're ready for Spring. Either Cedar had a rough year or we already forgot what northern winters can be like. We at least take comfort in the fact that the dogs absolutely LOVE the snow. I think Ty enjoys it more than Bruce but they both have a good time wrestlin in the snow. We've had a pretty fun routine of taking the dogs out into the hills by our house or to the Canyon View Football field to play in the snow. In an effort to think more positively about the weather, here's some picks of SOMEONE(S) who enjoys the snow....
(I also threw in some "artsy" pictures Todd took for his photography class. He's gettin pretty good!)

Here's to warmer weather to come!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Over this?

I am bent.
Jamar Rogers, I still love you and your cute little piercings.
I can't decide what I'm more pissed at right now... AI's choice to choose entertainment over talent or Barack's choice to cap bank CEO's salary at 500K. Again I say,
Both are clearly of equal importance.