Thursday, February 26, 2009
Because this is the first American Idol I've watched from the start. It's the first time I've had Tivo which helps my easily-bored I keep posting about it! It's fun to hear what everyone thinks too. Here are my picks this week (NOTE: these are who I want to win. probably not who will win):

And the WILDCARD is...

What are your picks...??!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I have judged you wrongly. Kudos for showing one less viewing of very deep and meaningful flicks like "He's just not that into you" and making room for movies w/ just a tad more substance. Since my unfair judgement, Cedar not only featured Milk but Slumdog Millionnaire AND will be featuring The Soloist. You might be a little (or A LOT) behind the rest of the world but who's counting? Again, my apologies.
Monday, February 16, 2009
So Todd and I are pretty sick of the snow...! Almost everyday we cry about how we're ready for Spring. Either Cedar had a rough year or we already forgot what northern winters can be like. We at least take comfort in the fact that the dogs absolutely LOVE the snow. I think Ty enjoys it more than Bruce but they both have a good time wrestlin in the snow. We've had a pretty fun routine of taking the dogs out into the hills by our house or to the Canyon View Football field to play in the snow. In an effort to think more positively about the weather, here's some picks of SOMEONE(S) who enjoys the snow....
(I also threw in some "artsy" pictures Todd took for his photography class. He's gettin pretty good!)
Friday, February 13, 2009