welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Monday, September 14, 2009

Update: as chaos ensues

Well. We closed on the house Friday. We were told we'd close Thursday. Todd took the day off work. They called just as he was getting into town to tell us it'd be Monday instead. There went another wasted day of PTO that we won't have after the baby comes. But Monday? I had a rage moment. We closed Friday at 3pm. Our docs were literally hot from the press. That was when they told us we couldn't take possession of the home in the standard 24 hrs because the sellers hadn't signed yet due to their approval docs not getting to their bank on time. Now the person managing their account is on vacation. We were told we could sign and plan on getting the keys Monday. There went the idea of using the weekend to move and paint and all. It's Monday. The sellers are out of town now. We're told it'll be tomorrow. Todd is gone for another week. They were supposed to be relocating this week to a closer location (with cell reception). He just got word that won't happen for another week.
Everyone around me has a misreable cold and today I woke up with a sore throat and a headache. Have I mentioned I will literally die if they force my baby out of my room when I deliver because I am sick? Literally will die.
I had an appointment today and was shocked to hear that I'm dialated 2cm and thinning. My doctor offered no hypotheses just that it could be tonight or two weeks from now. It made me (and Todd) very nervous. I expected to be CLOSED. I expected to be like all those first time moms I know that have to be induced (I'm grateful it's not...I know this is good. Just a TAD early).
I took the day off and intend to sleep (I just realized this is only the second nap I've taken mid day since I got pregnant. What's wrong with me?).
Like I said...as chaos ensues.


shereesa said...

Oh I hate the stress of buying a home. So a couple of things...they wont take your baby cause if you breastfeed it has the antibodies your baby needs to not get sick from you (because your body is working on fighting that specific cold right now)so she should be fine. I learned that from my sister. Second doctors are so frustrating several of my friends hung out at 3 cent. for weeks thinking it was going to happen any min and then time really drags so just keep thinking she wont come and then you will be pleasantly surprised (hopefully).

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I spent the afternoon with Ashlee and she told me how you were having the baby yesterday. Then last night she sent me a picture, and the baby is just darling! I'm so excited for you guys and I hope everything went ok!

Amber said...

Hey Congrats! My mom called last night and said everything went well with the delivery. Im dying to see picts!
And where is your house at? I want to see some picts of that too

Aubree said...

Hey girl... hang in there. Buying a house is never smooth sailing. And you are almost done being pregnant... there is bitter sweet to that as well.

As for words of wisdom... not that I would call them that, however, I was induced with my second and kind of my first and have no issues being induced.

Especially since you are already dilated and thinning, I doubt you will be a failed induction for that reason.

But, if you want to wait for your body to tell you it's time that is fine too. I just got so uncomfortable at the end I wanted to be induced.

You're going to be great. I can't wait to hear your labor/ delivery story. I hope the take good care of you. I know I would. :0)

Aubree said...

By the way... have I missed something? What are you going to name this little princess?