welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Thursday, November 19, 2009

2 months

I won't belabor that whole, "Whaah, she is growing too fast" thing because it's getting old but not any less sad and true. Lyla is officially two months and faces the big, horrible, scary shots tomorrow. Last weigh in was at 6 weeks where she weighed 7lbs 10oz. We'll see tom. but I think she's gained QUITE a big.
Here's some things about her this month....
  • She can see at greater distances which includes from the couch to the tv! This is a problem for me because I tell her she's only allowed to watch 30 mins of TV a day but she disobeys! If it's on, she's watchin.
  • She does this funny thing with her hands when she's sleeping. It's like she's revving a motorcycle.
  • She has grown very thick and long eyelashes (didn't get that from me!)
  • She coes now when she smiles and almost giggles
  • Her hair is kinda falling out (has a few bald spots)
  • Her hand-eye coordination is scarily good. She has this playmat thing with different things that make noise, etc. She grabs right on with interest. She also enjoys pulling out her dad's chest hair and pulling on my shirt while she eats.
  • The other day in the early morning she grabbed on to my garments and rubbed the silkiness on her face.
  • At 8 weeks she rolled over. No lie. I lied her on her back on her playmat, walked 2 feet to grab the camera, turned back around, and she was on her tummy. Freaked me right out.
  • She has become a spoiled breast feeder. If my let down isn't immediate she throws a mini tantrum. It's funny.
  • She is alert and awake most the day and enjoys looking around at things.
  • She is sleeping much better-with about a 5 hour stint at night. Feeding in bed laying down has been a godsend. It allows me to snuggle her and dose while she eats.
  • She LOVES riding in the baby byorn (presumably because it allows her to be upright, helping with the reflux). I do all my cleaning and computer work with her in it. Lately she's been riding face out and she looks about at different eye-catching things.
  • She has taste discrimination. Her reflux meds are bubble gum flavored and she laps that stuff up! Her vitamins are butt flavored (like really bad-you can smell it across the room) and she spits it out!
  • She is discovering her tongue. It's like she's not sure what that big messy thing is in her mouth. She smacks and sucks on it slobbering profusely in the process.
  • She understands and recognizes the feeding trough and gets excited and pants when she sees it.
  • She has had two bottles from dad (with me watching like a left-out middle schooler from across the room) and she loved them...but was a little miffed about the easy flow of the bottle (i.e. milk squirted all over her face).
  • The other day she manged to get poop up to her shoulder blades.
  • She enjoys her bath like a high society woman enjoys the spa. We have an facet that detaches so I put her bath on the counter and have warm running water the whole time she bathes. She stretches out, closes her eyes, and looks completely content.
  • She has porked out a bit. Her thighs have major rolls and her knees have dimples.

Mostly she is constantly developing and evolving. It's almost impossible to keep up. I love her so much my heart physically aches at times when I look at her. On another note, I have absolutely loved watching her relationship grow with dad. He has already informed her that she can't get married until she's 30. He tells her all the need-to-know BYU sports trivia and speaks to her like she is 15. I always thought I would be the push over and Todd would have to be the disciplinarian, but I was sorely wrong I think. When he dressed her the other night he sneakily left her mittens off (the mittens I make her wear religiously) because "she doesn't like them". He prolongs diaper changes because "they stress her out" (perhaps that one is just a ploy to get out of changing though!) and habitually takes off her bow the minute he sees her because "they bug her". I think we're in trouble because we're clearly....

Head over Heels

Pictures to come. Laptop is in the shop.