Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday afternoon we went to the Wildflower Festival held at Cedar Breaks!! I read about it on National Park Website awhile ago and pitched the idea to Todd...he took the bait obviously. It's basically a festival featuring all the beautiful wildflowers that bloom in summer. The festival is held June 30 to July 16 in the trails around Cedar Breaks. You can tour with a geologist or just take the flower guide info and do a self-guided tour. We opted to do the self-guided, 2-mile hike to Alpine Pond where, as promised, the view of wildflowers was the very best! I would definitely go again. We had fun identifying all the flowers on the flower guide and basically enjoying the BEAUTIFUL landscape. BTW I would like to brag about the fact that I took all these pictures by my very own self. I read the "tips for taking pictures of wildflowers" and I think they helped!
Since we were already over the mountain, we decided to head over the Duck Creek for the chili-cook off festival. Todd had heard about it from a coworker. It's basically a big fair with live music and vendors galore....from jewelry to fruit smoothies, to fry bread, to whatever! The randomest part? I saw NO chili anywhere. Regardless, it was lots of FUN!!!!!!
ok, you guys are having too much fun traveling around. Im jealous. And about the deep fried twinkie. I had a deep fried snickers bar at the county fair one of the best things I have ever eaten!!!
i fear you are loving the no job thing so much I may have to come down (and after enjoying it a little myself) drag you back to slc... ps i make a mean indian taco these days! have you made res for kays wedding yet?
Lovin' the twinkie. Delish! And happy birthday! Hope you have a great day!
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