welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Denver Trip

October 30th to November 3rd. Well, I'm just now getting to posting about our fantastic trip to Denver and Fort Collins Colorado!!! [4 billion hour work weeks will do that to you] I think i can speak for both of us when I say that we had so much dang fun! We were both sad to leave and I have now added Denver to my list of places to live before I die. Here's some highlights (or just an overload of pictures)
~The Road Trip~

The Roadtrip was half the fun. On the drive there Todd remarked that we could have gotten plane tickets for almost as cheap. I got all sorts of butt hurt because part of the purpose behind the trip was to have a road trip-Todd has always wanted to take one. The entire drive was absolutely beautiful. We were surprised at how drastic the landscape can change in just a few miles. For part of the drive, one side of the freeway was Moab-like (neutral tones and hills) while the other side was what you picture Colorado to look like-beautiful pines and Aspens. The Aspens had not yet lost their leaves...leaving vibrant yellows for miles! The drive turns moutainesque quickly and is followed by the Colorado River. The 9+ hours seemed like nothing with such a beautiful backdrop. We stayed in Grand Junction the first night and headed to Denver the following morning. p.s. props to Expedia...our hotel was amazing for the cost!
Eagle-the infamous location of Koby Bryant's indiscretions (Todd insisted on taking a picture...odd)

The Beautiful (and upety) Vail, Colorado

The road literally blasts through mountain sides. Obviously causing the need for many tunnels. Todd holding his breath through a long one!

Me navigating...SCARY!!!

We made it!

~ Downtown Denver~

Checking into the motel was definitely an experience! We followed the mapquest directions which may have been shorter but certainly not safer! It literally had us driving right through Compton (hehe okay not really but still). We were pretty worried when we finally got there. Surprisingly, our room was very nice (again, props to Expeida) and close to one of the freeways so it made getting downtown very easy. We went straight there after we checked in and spent the evening shopping and enjoying the Denver night life. We ate at this swanky little grill in LoDo (Lower downtown) and basically had a great time enjoying the stores, street performers (like the guitar player dressed as Where's Waldo) and the street artists (i.e. paintings completely made with spray paint). On our way to the car we passed The Cheesecake Factory... we of course had to stop and get desert. Oh, to my delight, I found the most beautiful find-their 30th Anniversary Cheesecake! Chocolate and cheesecake...so delish.

That night we also tried to go to an awesome Haunted House for Halloween...but the line was over a block long! Instead we opted to eat treats at the hotel!

~Denver Museum of Art~

Since the trip was so very XY chromosome, I bartered for a half day trip to the Denver Museum. To our suprise--we went on the one day a month that admission is free!!! The museum had great pieces-even the building structure is art. I really wanted to go bc they were featuring an exhibit by an artist I find highly interesting, Daniel Richter, A Major Survey. His art is highly political, provocative, and urban. Below are a few pieces that I adore. I was very surprised at the size of each peice-nearly the length of the entire wall. I had a great time. Todd was a good sport.

~Colorado State versus BYU~

All I can say is my was this an experience. I have never been to an away game. I have also never been so insulted by drunk college students. I have also never been to a game where alcohol is permitted. Let me explain...Due to the structure of the stadium, we had to park where all the college students were tailgating. ALL we did was walk to the stadium-AND BOY DID WE GET CRAP!! The booing-that was doable-the chanting of "dirty Mormons" and "premarital sex" was a little much. Oh, and on the way back a guy kept kicking beer cans at me. All I can say is thank the Lord we won! The game was the most intense game I have seen since last year's BYU-Utah game. We were both spent when it was over. My trembling hand signified that I am no longer just a bystander-I am a superfan. I was seriously so pissed when they were loosing. The score has now effected me emotionally.
I have been lost to the dark side.
The game was a good time and we learned something valuable about CSU fans--and CSU fans drowned in beer

An awesome fan we sat by. I shit you not nothing we was wearing was made before I was born. She was all decked out..."Y" earings, stonewashed jeans, Cougars hat and sweater-it was sweet.

We also went out that evening to the Shops at Northridge

It only took us 3 times driving my this factory to figure out why we always thought of Ty when we passed it...it smells like serious dog food!

~Denver Broncos Game~

The game was soo much fun. Neither of us had been to an NFL game so that in itself made it pretty fun. The stadium itself was pretty impressive. Everything went perfect-it only took 15 mins to get to the game, we got good parking (at the tune of $30 big ones), we found our seats with no problem, and had plenty of time to explore the giant stadium. Todd got a new hat that has the old school emblem. We also got to wave hi to our friend Jeremy who was also at the game. Unfortunately they didn't win but at least we got to see a good, close game. We were also sitting next to Miami fans who were obnoxious as hell! It's a good thing nobody got in a fight bc there were A LOT of drunk people there. I learned a lot about alcohol this trip...haha. There were also some pretty cool/hardcore fans. Including the grown man in a full on uniform. Pads and all. He even wore a decked out hard hat- it was awesome. I decided I like pro games bc they move a lot faster. Downs go a lot quicker which I think make the game more entertaining.
We had a gay old time. Hope to go again someday. Go Broncos! Cutler you freakin suck.

"McCain is a Raiders Fan"

My view the entire game...
Farewell Denver, until next time...


Anonymous said...

You almost got me there with the fact you are now a byu fan (sorry todd...) - but you redeemed yourself with the desire of living in denver. im glad you share my dream. lets all move tomorrow.