welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Sunday, November 23, 2008

In case you wondered....

We're still at odds with the Universe. A week ago Friday I went out to the car to leave for work and this is what I found. I instantly knew what happened. Someone threw this giant bolder through our window to steal my purse. I had left it behind my seat. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw that the purse was gone and that the car doors were still locked; the thief just grabbed the purse and ran. What a nightmare.

My mind instantly went through all the possible scenarios and what the theft now had his hands on.... three credit cards (one with a $10,000 limit), my debit card, MY SOCIAL SECURITY CARD, a card with my checking account # written on it, checks to our checking account AND our money market account, a $50 gift card to Pier One, my student ID's, insurance info, my IPOD, and the list goes on and on.

I obviously canceled my appointments for the day. Todd and I spent the ENTIRE day cleaning up the mess some evil person caused for us. My first move was to check my accounts online and cancel all of our cards...what an ordeal. Nothing had been used yet. This was a good sign but also troubling--did they just throw away the purse after they found no cash, or, did they sell my info to the identity theft?! After the police report we called the insurance company-where we learned we would have to pay the $200.00 to replace our window as our deductible is $500.00. We then called around to schedule the repair. Of course this happened on Friday and the window had to be special ordered and would not be in until Monday...it was a cardboard box window for the weekend and can I just say, Brrrr.
After all that fun we went straight to the bank-where is spent nearly three hours. We learned that because there were checks in my purse, we could not simply cancel the cards, we literally had to close out all of our accounts and start over. We have two money market accounts, a savings account and a checking account that had to be closed and restarted. This means all checks that are outstanding and debits that are outstanding have to be redirected. It also means that any direct deposits and automatic withdrawals have to be changed. That same day our car payment was withdrawn and since they transferred all of our funds to a new account, our old account when into default. Like I said, what a nightmare. I also had to get a flag on my credit in case that someone does try to steal my identity.
Since I have told people what happened, I have gotten varying responses. Some women say "oh I leave my purse in the car all the time" while others have said "why in the world did you leave your purse in the car in the first place?!" I used to leave my purse in the car when we lived in the hood of SLC. I guess I'm stupidly trusting and now I have been warned. The ironic thing is that lately I have been better-I usually bring my purse in. That night when I parked the car i had my hands full with my work bag and other stuff and just spaced it. The funny thing is that my sister had her purse in her car too--and Todd's truck was unlocked! I guess I just got lucky..or unlucky.
So let this be a warning to you all. Little old Cedar City--in our quiet little neighboorhood is not even safe. The thief even stole the rock from a flower garden right by our front door! Based on neighbor's reports-it happened at midnight. So, don't leave your purse in the car, don't think all bad things happen in the wee hours of the night, and don't EVER leave your SS card in your wallet. Another tip I heard is that you should copy everything in your wallet so you know what #'s to call to cancel cards. I would also recommend only keeping one credit or debit card in your wallet at one time-why have more than one? Also, just leave the checks at home unless you know you have to write one--they really are the scariest bc a smart thief could just wait for the dust to settle and slowly write checks. Since my experience people have told me all sorts of horrible stories. The officer said he expects to see more bc of the economy. It could happen to you too!
And to my thief.... I want to be sympathetic to your situation. You're probably an addict or someone struggling for money. Still, I am not sympathetic. I freaking hate you. You cost me an important day of work and more money and effort than you probably know. Now, I will never be able to apply for a stupid credit card at a store and get "instantly approved". I have to demonstrate my identity everytime I have to use my credit now bc you tried to steal it. You didn't steal from some wealthy person who deserved it. You stole from someone who lives in their sister's basement! Someone who was already having a rough week. Someone who already feels like the world hates them. I say this with all the rage inside me. I hate you. Oh, and I want my Fing IPOD back!!!!


Michelle Kelly said...

That sucks chelsea. I am so sorry, but I am going to learn from your loss, and always take my purse with me.

Amber said...

Not cool. I can totally understand. About a year ago same thing happened to Spencer. And a little after that my whole car was stolen. I hate thief's.

Jessica Littlefield said...

Holy Holy Crap. I am so shocked!! How incredibly stressful. All this in Cedar?!?! For the LOVE!

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry this had to happen to you... i went to the prison to do an assessment the other day and had to leave my wallet with a guard in a box - the entire time I was chillin' with the inmates I kept thinking of all the things that guard could be buying with my credit cards (now I realize I might have just been having sympathy pains for you!)... call me when you can - and always know my itunes library is waiting for you to make up for the ipod!

shereesa said...

That sucks! I'm sorry! I think stealing your i-pod is the worst because you just lost all the time and $ you spent loading it up with music! I wish I could send Good Luck your way.