welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Las Vegas Bowl

The Hoff....
Well, anyone who knows Todd should not be surprised that we ended up going to the Pioneer Las Vegas Bowl last night. Determination will always win out I guess. Nothing was going to deter Todd from getting there. Not the fact that tickets sold out before we knew it. Not the fact that it had been snowing non stop. And definitely not the fact that I told Todd...NO!!! At first I thought I was okay with going. But, when tickets sold out so quickly and when the snow just kept falling, I was grateful we weren't going. I've tried to be supportive of his passion...but I'm SICK of football games. I'm SICK of being cold. I'm SICK of commuting across the horrible, snowy black ridge. How is it that we ended up going you ask? Well, manipulation that's how! Ha Ha. JK. Todd was respectful and crafty...he didn't push. He just checked the KSL ticket ads everyday for two weeks. Each night we would casually mention what was on sale. I always blew it off. Then, the NIGHT before the game he slyly mentions at dinner, "There's tickets on sale for $30 bucks. They're right behind the BYU bench. We can meet the guy at the game. It's a really good deal." UGH. I can't say no to that pleading face. I went back to all the reasons we should go...who knows if we'll be living this close to Las Vegas next year. We may never get the chance to go. Todd has never been to a bowl game. That is a really good deal. It's not supposed to snow tom morrow. We'll probably sit around and be bored tom if we don't go...and the list goes on and on.
And on a whim, we jetted off to Las Vegas. Thank-goodness for my 24-hour dog watcher dad! We drove down that day and came home that night...we got in at like 1:30am. I'm glad we went so that Todd can say he's been to a Bowl game. I'm glad he has [kind-of] gotten it out of his system. But...the game kinda sucked. First, the BYU fans there were freaky! I saw like four fights among the fans. Mostly over people who got mad at fans in front that were standing. People were honestly screaming at each other. Every now and then a fan would stand up and yell at the other fans for not cheering loud enough. We're talking a serious a-chewing. One group of middle-aged guys got kicked out. This old dude behind me kept yelling slams at Obama during the National Anthem, etc. Like, "Don't go and change that Obama" and "It's a great country try and keep it that way Obama". It's an fing football game. Keep your political views to yourself. Honestly. He and these other old dudes also kept yelling at this little kid in front of them for standing and so on. He was like 6 years old! honestly. These fans were scary...and ornery.
The outcome of the game was also sucky obviously. We didn't play that well. We had sooo many penalties it was ridiculous. Max was also not back to his old self. The officials were horrible. And, It was bloody cold!!!!!!!!! I think that covers my list of complaints. These complaints were all erased however when we got to hear "the Hoff" sing the national anthem. That's right David Hasselhoff performed. It made it all worth it. If only The hoff could sing. It was a bit painful. It was awesome.
All in all, I'm glad we went. We had fun laughing at the crazies and trying to keep each other warm. We also enjoyed In and Out after the game.
GOODBYE BYU Football Season...FOR REAL THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fly on the Wall said...

The Hoff was brilliant, especially those last few notes that he just belted out with sustain. Wow!

Aubree said...

I know it's late, but what is your address? I hope you guys have a merry christmas despite all your hardships!! My email is altc84@gmail.com.