welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

3 Months

Dear Lyla girl. You are getting so big. You became a person overnight and while I absolutely adore the funny/brilliant/sweet/lovable/amazing little gal that you have become, I mourn the things about you that are gone now for good. Like the snuggle baby that couldn't lift her head away from my chest to make eye contact. The baby that could spent hours in my arms (okay you still can spend hours there but now you're awake the whole time!). And the baby that was just so so tiny. It's okay though. The new, big you is pretty great too. You turn 3 months on the 15th. We celebrated by taking you to the public library for the first time (we hoped to get you your own card but it was a no go). We did however, score some pretty sweet Christmas books AND some books that teach little ones, and dopey mommies all the nursery rhymes and songs. We hoped this celebration was more fun than the savings account you got for your two-month birthday (sorry about that...you'll thank us later). Now back to this little personality. It's so weird. It's like I know you now. I anticipate how you will react to things and just can't get enough of interacting with you. We spend hours talking in coos and goos while exchanging smiles. I spend hours a day watching you take in the world around you. What it must be like to learn and experience everything for the first time-and in a new and more sophisticated way each time. I love experimenting with different objects of different sizes and colors- and with different intonations and types of sounds. You react differently to all things around you and I can't tell you how exciting it is to be apart of your zeal for life. Here's some other things about you...

  • Your favorite book is undoubtedly the Chirpy Chick. It's a big board book (the biggest I could find) with bright colors, textiles like fur, and even sounds (like a tractor starting up). You smile when I first pull the book out and watch intently as we go through the pages. I have yet to find another book so large so we read this one several times a day.
  • You slobber a lot! I'm told Dad passed this trait on to you. I'm starting to think the whole bib thing isn't such a bad idea.
  • You are such a strong kicker. I first learned this while you were in utero but man have you gotten even stronger. It makes changing your diaper interesting at times as you kick me away. I have socks with rattles in them that will make for fun play once they fit you.
  • You now rub my chest while you're eating. It has got to be one of the very most treasured experiences I have with you. I just know you're telling me you love me. Makes all the heartache and frustration I went through breastfeeding worth it.
  • You've started your musical training. I swore I'd never push you into anything but I secretly hope you'll play and instrument. I play you all types of classical music throughout the day. You kick and clearly acknowledge the music. So far you're not the biggest Mozart fan but you enjoy the less-angry Beethoven music, Debussy and Brahms. I have also played my violin for you and you haven't cried so my self esteem has stayed somewhat in tact:)
  • You have the sleeping habits of a rapid cycling bipolar. You will have 3-4 days where I cannot believe what little sleep you get-all day, all night. You're not really crying or anything-just up. These days are followed by nights where I wake in a panic 6-7 hours later because you're still sleeping. Even after an amazing night's sleep-you'll nap for up to 3 hours in the day. It's like you go on benders and then crash hard. I hope this ends soon:)
  • You've enjoyed the comedy of Couples Retreat, the drama of New Moon, and the feel goodness of the Blind Side. Some movies you seemed to enjoy more than others. New Moon was clearly at the bottom of the list as you had two blow outs and wanted to eat the entire time.
  • You're learning and making associations all the time. Now, when I put you in the swing you automatically look up because you know the mobile will soon start moving. You have learned where that whining and putting on a show will get you fed quicker, and so on.
  • You have full on conversations with people. You coo and goo in response to people talking to you and make all sorts of different sounds. Couldn't be cuter.
  • You also laugh a lot which is infectious of course.
  • You've had your first cold which I think we're finally rid of. You had a very stuffy nose for about 3 weeks but had not other symptoms thank goodness. I did a lot of bugger snuffing followed by drops that made you extremely upset.
  • We think you officially have blue eyes (must be the milk man's)
  • I think you're going to be an intellectual sort and enjoy reading. So far you've wondered in awe at just how hungry the hungry caterpillar was, jumped with excitement at the start up of the rusty old farm truck, and laughed with amusement at the imagination of the wild things.
guess I don't need to say it, but we love you little stinker.


Amber said...

I can't believe how big she is! And holy cow what a cute little stink. Love your hair by the way! SO cute! You guys have a very Merry Christmas...especially with LYLA!

Charles Family said...

She is such an adorable little gal! I can't wait to meet her, hopefully next week! I think more and more that she is looking like you. I bet that is so fun to see yourself in your little one!

summergibbs said...

You are such a good mom...already reading to her! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!

shereesa said...

She is so cute and getting so big! And by the way you are such a cute mom!

JadeLuckMoney said...

You are so cute and so is Lyla--I still swear she looks just like you. I sat next to Zach in church yesterday and asked him how she was doing. I realised it had been months since I had seen her! We should get together sometime :)