Thursday, August 20, 2009
Well. I survived our clinical conference. Everything went astonishingly well. My talk at Sunstone on Saturday was spontaneous (pretty much wrote it while the speaker a head of me spoke). I think it went really well. I got to meet some really cool people I(like a reporter from CNN) that actually asked for my info! Spent the rest of the weekend frantically finishing up the conference materials...CDs with the presentations on them, printing name tags, blah blah. Then started Monday at 6am. Imagine my surprise when people were already waiting to register at the door when I got to the U. Spent the day putting out fires, speaking to the media, networking, answering questions, and of course, speaking for TWO hours. Did I mention I didn't get to sit down til 6 that night? We had a fantastic turnout (like 120) and the professionals there were very complimentary of my talks. It made me feel really good. Our director ( the video below) told me I made the conference clinical another group told me they should just have the "Chelsea show" where I spoke for the whole day (haha...yea right!) and another gave me a really great compliment-that an old professor from grad school (who I really respect...Mo for those who know him)...was taking notes during my talk! That was so so fun to hear. It was a lot of work but I think we made a lot of headway. We had really great reviews. Here is a new clip about it....
p.s on a funny note, I asked my doctor if I could travel to SLC for a very big very important conference September 17th that my supervisor and I have been asked to speak at. His were done traveling two weeks ago....HA!!! Our little secret (and I am SO going).
I've been thinking about you guys like crazy lately! I hope you're doing well and feeling pretty good! Good for you and your conference, that's exciting. I love hearing the baby updates so keep those coming! :)
You make our family proud. Great job! Keep the updates coming. Love ya!
that clip was awesome... do you have anything you could email me from the conference (since you didn't tell me about it before and I didn't get to go)... I'll give you my work email address if it would be more professional than a blog comment? lol.
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