welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

7 months

Dear Lyla
you've been here for seven months! I'm running out of creative ways to tell you just how much I love you. Oh, and how adorable you are too. Month seven was a very fun month for me. I feel like I still get occasional cuddles, but get to play with you too...making you laugh and watching you enjoy toys. I'm learning more about what makes you happy. Like being forced to take a nap, even if you cry at first. You also like options, including being able to sit in my lap AND play and explore. You like eating, sucking always, crinkling things, the outdoors, and watching life unfold around you. I take undue credit for the fact that you are simply the happiest baby on the planet. You will give anyone a smile and have such a zeal for people. You are quite the ham bone no doubt. I hope you know by now...I love you immensely. So does dad. Thanks for being ours.

The theme for this month is active!
  • You are SO grabby. I think you spend most the day trying to get to something.
  • Although you can't crawl in the normal way, you have skilled movements and can get across the room. You kind of army crawl and scoot backwards.
  • You love American Idol and sing along with the contestants
  • You fall backwards sometimes I think out of boredom. I love that you haven't learned to fear things but it's not the wisest thing you do :)
  • You arch your back when you want to get down or when you feel like throwing a tantrum. It's killer.
  • You have mastered the beg cry. You get this super pouty look on your face and really let it go. I can't help but laugh.
  • You are now a social breast feeder. You want to stop, look around, or look around while yanking my boob right along with you. Sometimes I feel like that stretch armstrong toy. Not super fun my dear.
  • You can anticipate things like when I sing that alligator song you get excited when the alligator is sneaking along. Or when you're getting tickled, you shy away as we're coming in. Hilariously smart.
  • You wave bye bye. Adorable
  • You're already a picky eater! Holy cow! I tried for two solid weeks only giving you veggies and you would purse your lips and have none of it. Then, I gave you bananas and whal ah. You loved them. You enjoy apples (but not apple sauce), peaches and mangoes as well.
  • You're mastering baby food. You get now that it's a different texture and swallow without problem.
  • Your sleep habits are much improved. Mainly because we let you sleep in our bed now. I tried for a solid 6 months to instill good sleeping habits, but at some point you'll take sleep however you can get it. And I did. And I love it. You wake 2 times a night to eat (sometimes three) and will nap usually everyday now for a least an hour.
  • Your goos are now babbles. So adorable.
  • You mimic people now. Something I do with a toy, you will repeat. How amazing this is!
  • You LOVE water. You start kicking when you hear to tub start running. Pools are fun too.
  • You thoroughly enjoy blowing spit bubbles
  • You recognize and are very intrigued by textures. You run your hands along everything, learning.
  • Patty cake is super fun for you to watch; you bounce and laugh, but don't try to do it with your hands! uh uh!
  • You can rock the sippy cup like nobodies business. An ice water, apple juice cocktail is your fav
  • You are getting more hair; it gathers in a little tuft at the top of your head. It's already bleached out from the sun.
  • You very much enjoy hitting hard things on other hard things. I'm hoping this isn't a sign of a future in destroying things.
  • You can get on all fours, and act like you're gonna take off, but then you simply get frustrated because you can't sit back up. I'm in no hurry for you to crawl lovey.

Love you to the moon and back