welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baby #2 Update

I’m already worrying about one daughter feeling less special than the other. I have not written nearly as much about this pregnancy! Ahhh. Or taken pictures. It’s not because I’m not equally as thrilled. It’s my little monster. Little one, please know how much I love you. I am insanely excited to welcome you into our home. Most days it completely outweighs the fears I have.

This pregnancy has been one trillion percent easier than the first. I’ve been hesitant to say that simply because things can change but I think it’s safe to say the “morning sickness” is completely different. I mainly had bad sickness the first trimester and even then, it was mainly limited to the morning. Sure, I still feel sick and occasionally barf in the am but that’s mostly IT! I can’t tell you how different and amazing it has been. Thank YOU!!!

I don’t really have cravings this time around either but the weirdest thing…McDonalds ALWAYS sounds good to me. Weird? Barf!

The only other thing that sounds good to me is SODA, specifically COKE. I want it the minute I wake up. It seems to calm my stomach so well. It’s a terrible craving to have since I only allow myself a max of one can a day. I’ve never been addicted to soda but now I think I am!

This baby is WAY more active than Lyla was. Maybe I just recognize it more but I swear she is constantly moving. It’s so nice to know she’s okay. She is very active throughout the night and wakes me up even. Lyla was more active in the morning. Wonder if that’s a sign?

Smells bother me a lot more this pregnancy. Poor Todd seems to offend my senses every other minute.

My body hurts a lot more this pregnancy as well. Maybe it’s the 2 in 2 years thing? Haha. People always told me about that stage where you hurt so bad you’ll do anything to be done. I never got that way with Lyla. I have a feeling I will this time. My body just hurts everywhere I swear! Sleeping is tough as I toss and turn daily just to find a comfy spot. I’ve had a lot of sciatic never pain that creeps up on me. It’s tough since Lyla and I spend a lot of time running around playing and/or sitting on the hard floor. It’s getting harder and harder to climb in her little tent or chase after her. I keep thinking I’ll get my body back faster this time and be able to play with her all summer.

I think I’m making up for not being able to nest with Lyla (since we closed on the house the day my water broke). I’ve been preparing since I learned she was a she. The office is now in the garage and we’ve got the nursery completely set up. It helped that I didn’t have to buy anything really. Lyla has a “big girl” bed now (that she has yet to sleep in). I sorted all of Lyla’s old clothes into sizes and the newborn ones are all washed and hanging in their closet. I scrubbed everything in the two rooms from head to toe. I’ve been stocking up on diapers and am really not too worried about how much changing I’ll be doing . Once this babe sleeps through the night (lets hope it doesn’t take a whole year this time) I hope to have my girls share a room and make the other a play room. What beautiful things await us…


Amber said...

Oh I'm so happy for you guys. I still can't believe it's baby #2! I can't wait to have a baby. Do you ever watch the show called "One Born Every Minute?" I'm totally addicted! I just started the IUI's again. I should be getting my first one this week. So hopefully it will take sooner than later! Love ya Chels! And love your cute little family!

Anonymous said...

Oh my,you aren't for sure the gender? Why does your doctor do a 30 wk ultrasound? I've never had that, and now you are scaring me a bit. I haven't bought anything for this little one because this poor little girl is already destined to live a life of hand-me downs. It sounds like you have purchased quite a few clothes. You probably don't need to since it looks like Lyla has enough for about 5 little girls...seriously, she is always dressed so adorable :) However, it sounds like this one may only fit in Lyla's for the first few months before out growing her. Lyla may actually be the one who ends up with all the hand-me downs :) I can't wait to see this little girl or boy??? I must be having another baby with very little hair because I have yet to experience any heartburn. So exciting!!!