welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Princess Lyla’s Royal Ball

Dear Lyla, I always thought I’d wait until you were older to have a real party with friends, but as you become your own little person, you become such an active and social little thing.  I couldn’t deny that the most exciting thing for you on your birthday, had to be friends and fun, engaging activities.  I originally planned to do a Monkey party because you LOVE to jump.  But Grandma had all these lovely princess supplies from girl’s camp, so I came up with the theme of a Princess Royal “Ball” with balls galore, including in the trampoline, which became the “royal ball”.  During the planning stages time, I also became introduced to Pinterest, a place for idea sharing, which had way too many cute ideas.  I went overboard no doubt.  But I don’t feel guilty because my only stipulation was that I not lose quality time with you, planning a party, because that defeats the purpose in my mind.  So for a little over a month, I would spent an hour or so a week after you went to bed, making things for the party and planning.  I have to admit I had a full sheet of paper full of “to dos” with a legend of who I needed to borrow things from.  I also made a whole list of little “to dos” for dad.  As insane as that is I’d do it again because it made the event, non-stressful and seem very easy to put on.  I also reused, made, and borrowed the majority of the stuff, making it very cheap.  I knew the most important thing would be that you have fun things to do with your friends.  We had activity centers where you and your friends could roam from place to place.  There was no structure. 

The Décor

I played up the ball theme and made these cupcake toppers (the circles say “Princess Lyla’s Royal Ball”) and the hanging balls in the middle of the tent.  These are officially for Lottie’s room.  The treats were all kid treats including sweedish fish and goldfish, suckers, ring pops, pink chocolate dipped pretzels, and chocolate suckers in the shape of a crown.  The pictures featured Lyla in her princess dress taken at 18 months,  The glass vases also say “Princess Lyla’s Royal Ball.  I took the base of the shade and covered it with tulle to serve as the treat tent.  We covered the whole tramp with tulle to make it look like a royal ball.  We had tons of fun party favors for the kids to have including crowns, necklaces, wands, coloring prints of princesses, princess crayons, ring pops, etc. 


The Activities

The Royal Ball (jumping with balls), Tea Time (real tea sets from D.I.), Art Center (with crayons, finger paint, foam crowns to paint and crown sponge paint), Princess Story time (Melissa and Callie, the princesses, came and read a princess story), Royal Ball Toss, and Dress up time (big mirrors and vanities with dress up clothes).  We had little signs staked in the ground, identifying each station. 


My Princess!  I made the hat and shirt, which we didn’t get the best picture of but has the cutest matching trim.  My mom made the pettiskirt


The guests! We were thrilled to have such a good turn out considering it was Labor Day.  Most of Lyla’s bestie’s made it and she had a ball playing at the activities with them.


Happy 2nd Birthday Party my Princess!!