welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The BIG reveal

Sorry it's taken me so long to get these pictures up! Work is out of control. I am sure you are all dying to see pics of our little gal in utero right? Bare with me while I shamelessly justify not having a journal and just a blog. March 4th. I felt girlfriend move for the first time for sure. I sort of braced myself on the desk and went "holy crap" when it happened. There was like, no doubt girlfriend was doing somersaults. It was awesome. I kept trying to get Todd to feel it the rest of the night but he never could (and still can't-but he will soon I'm sure). Well, the things I felt were confirmed when we finally got to see her one day later, March 5th! She HAD flipped from the ultrasound we had just five days earlier! I was a nervous wreck when she first started the ultrasound. I always look for something flickering and I couldn't see anything. I finally asked, "is there a heartbeat?". She kinda laughed and said yes. Each time she zeroed in on some organ or bodily function I kinda held my breath, hoping she would say everything looked good...and so far everything does! We saw the flow of fluid in the bladder, a complete spine, all four chambers of the heart (even so detailed as the aorta), the flow of blood in and out of the heart, her little kidneys, all 10 fingers and toes, and all sorts of other really cool/vital-to-life aspects of her perfect little body. It was so cool how much we could see! I am going to try to attach the video which shows the entire ultrasound! It even shows things labeled out. Just skim around and see how cool it is. My favorite part was the side profiles and when she zeroed in on her face. At about 13.20 you can see her trying to suck on her fist! It was so funny-she couldn't quite get er done but she was tryin. ...And at 11:26 you can see the money shot. I was expecting the tech to ask if we wanted to know the sex and then there to be some anticipation-filled moments, but nope, she just said, "looks like a girl". Then later she zoomed in on her little vag (totally violating her privacy as I will when I upload the pic) and we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is a girl (if not our boy has serious problems). I think we were both a bit shocked by the news-we both had ourselves convinced it was a boy. I think I was secretly happy she's a girl and Todd is secretly freaking out that it's a girl. Anyway, it was super fun sharing the news with everybody. That day, Elsie called me and said, "Chelsea? is it a girl or a boy? I hope it's a girl". haha. Good thing it is! Our girl and Addy will be such good friends-only 9 months apart! There are also lots of young girls on Todd's side so that will be fun for her too (sorry Jayden:0). Nothing beats getting to watch her. I think I could've laid there for hours and just watched...if it weren't for the fact that I had to get up to hurl. Unfortunately, girlfriend was smashed so far down into my uterus we didn't get any fantastic face shots. Anyway, here's the photos of girlfriend at 19 weeks 3 days.


My cute lil face (the first thing I said was "does she have a clef lip?" haha. I'm already a bad mom.)
Another face photo
Side profile
The Money Shot (sorry in advance sweetheart)