welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mexico: Numero Siete

On the 7th day, we braved the beach again. Floating in the lazy river was much more my cup of tea, but I thought Lyla preferred the beach. This time she REALLY went to task on the sand. It wasn't so much that she was eating it intentionally, but she just couldn't help but putting sand-laced toys in her mouth. She created quite the beard. I think she loved hanging on the sand. This time we swam more in the ocean. Lyla loved watching the water sneak up upon her! She would squeal with delight. It was a true joy to watch her. We met a very talented Tido on the beach who sold us some amazing hand-painted dishes. Poor guy. We liked his work so much, our orders sent him working all night long in order to get them finished and delivered to us before we flew out the next day. I got two salsa dishes for my visit teachers too.
It was a good last day at the beach.

On our last evening, we took a taxi cab in town to a highly recommended restaurant. Again, this was nothing but a cultural experience. Outside, there was a woman on next to some type of makeshift stove making tortillas. Our first sigh of the authenticity of this restaurant. As we walked along the cobblestone path to our table. I caught sight of another makeshift stove, on other side of the restaurant. Just as I went to turn, I saw a lady lift up a white sheet on a table grab what I assume was meat, and toss it on the grill. Hmmm. Yikes. Maybe refrigeration is overrated? I tried to keep an open mind. We ordered what we thought we wanted based on the pictures, and sat back to enjoy an evening out. The low lighting and quiet of the restaurant set a nice mood for sipping coke in a bottle and chatting. Lyla was so well behaved. She loved the tall high chair she got to sit in. I think that's where the prettiness of the evening ended. The food was....questionable. Meat that resembled jerky. Jenny ordered soup with "chicken" that resembled fried cottage cheese. Pretty sure it was intestine.
Later that night, Todd remarked,
"I'm pretty sure that burp just meowed".
Definitely the best quote of the trip.
I guess it made for a good story, since we're still all paying for it. Montezuma Revenge like no other! Truly, the whole next day on the airplane was rough. A