welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Saturday, July 9, 2011

3 months and 21 months







































Dear Charlotte, you are now 3 months.  It seems like overnight you made the transition from newborn to a baby.  Why oh why? Your presence in our home is so natural that some days it seems like you’ve always been with us.  Maybe it’s because you are such a laid back child.  I swear you are the best baby ever.  I actually feel guilty at times at what a sweet baby you are.  How did I ever earn such a prize?  I decided that it must’ve been colic that was making you cry so much because it’s completely gone now and you really are the happiest and easiest baby on the planet.  I’m not good at seeing things for what they are which can be a blessing because at the time I really didn’t think you cried that much and it didn’t bother me really at all.  Now, I see you did cry a lot because people remark at how good you are, I don’t worry about taking you places and having a cry people out of their mind, and I don’t walk the floor like I was.  Eek.  I’m making it sound like it was terrible.  It truly wasn’t because you slept so stinking much that even when you did cry, it wasn’t for more than an hour.  I’m just trying to say that the crying when awake was the only challenge and now that’s gone.  It only lasted about 10 weeks.  Now, you sleep so easily  I never understood when people would say their babies just went to sleep after eating.  Or that their babies just put themselves on a schedule.  Now I do.  I can lay you down while you’re still a little awake and you’ll drift off peacefully.  A novel concept for me!  There are times when I feel bad that you sleep so much because it means I don’t hold you enough.  I learned early on though not to wake you up by holding you too much.  You sleep way better laying in your car seat.  I do wait excitedly for you to wake up though so I can hold on you and love on you.  I also sometimes hope that you’ll wake up a few times in the night so  I can rock you in the still of the night.  Crazy? maybe.  I really try hard to make time for one-on-one loving as much as possible.  I hope to the heavens and back that you’re getting enough of it, because my my you are loveable.  I’m not sure on your weight but I’m quite certain you’ve pack on the pounds.  I wasn’t used to switching out clothing because it was too small with Lyla.  I usually switched it out because the seasons changed!  You’re wearing 3 to 6 month clothing fine and can fit into 6 to 9 month onesies!  It makes me sad.  I already feel your sweet babyness slipping away.  The lovable smiles and coos all but make up for it though.  Your smile is the most adorable thing on the planet.  As are you leg rolls.  Thanks for being such a sweet baby.

-The other night you slept 10 hours straight.  I about died!

-You can sit up with the help of the Bumbo.  You look so cute in it!

-Unlike Lyla, you DO NOT like being propped up on things.  It’s weird because you definitely need to be in the car seat to sleep (due to reflux) but when you’re awake, you like being laid flat to kick and squirm (if you can’t be held of course).  That’s a big NO to the boppy

-You look more like Lyla everyday.  It’s in your eyes although the color doesn’t match.  You also have more of dad.  I know it’s the nose but something else too.  Maybe the forehead. 

-You still love your bath.  I swear it calms you.  You’re pretty much too big for the baby bath now!

-You had your first big trip this month!  All the way to California.  You did so good and hardly cried on the drive.  Thank goodness for mom’s giant boobs that she can just hover over the car seat when you get hungry. 

-You giggled for the first time at 10 weeks.  Oh what a cute sound!!

-Your eye color is STILL a mystery.  I’m thinking they will be the kind that change like mine.  They look change from green to brown to hazel.  Either way, they’re beautiful

-At around 12 weeks you began sleep 7 hours straight consistently.  Every now and again you’ll wake more often but I think it’s safe to say you’re the best sleeper ever

-You are such a mover and a shaker.  Sometimes I feel like you’re going to flip right out of my arms!  When I lay you down you just kick and kick and kick.

You’re also freakishly strong.  You can totally stand and support your weight when you first put you in the car seat.

-You have dry skin on your face but it’s managed well with cream

-You enjoy sucking your fist but forget about taking a binkie!

-This month you smile while eating for the first time.  Oh how I love that little half smile while you’re sucking.  It’s the cutest thing ever. 

-You are so smiley now.  Anytime you see anyone, even if it’s from across the room you smile big. 

-You startle pretty easy and will let out the saddest cry when the noise is just too loud for you. 

-You totally beg now.  I’m surprised at how you can smell me from a mile away and start putting on the begging!

-You give yummy open mouth kisses.  It cracks you up too

-I used to be able to prop you up in the corner of the couch but now you wiggle so much that you tip over!

You are such the little talker now.  You banter back and forth about all sorts of things

-You also have sweet little soft giggles

-You smile at Lyla now when she gets in your face and says HI!  It’s so sweet.  I’m glad you’re not holding a grudge for all the meanness. 

-You kind of have an Alfalfa hair doe going on.  It' sticks up a little in the back.  It’s adorable!!

-You got your toes painted this month!  They matched Lyla and mine. 

-You’re not much of a pooper like Lyla was!  You usually only go once a day and rarely blow out. 

-You put yourself on a nice schedule.  You usually nap around 11, 3 and 7pm.  Again, you’re such an angel

-You are so strong.  You can support your weight pretty good

-Your nail growth is unreal!  They’re also thick.  Hope that’s a sign you’re healthy!

-You are getting sooo close to rolling over!

-You look more like Lyla as you get bigger.  We can’t quite pinpoint what traits of hers, mine, or dad’s you have but there’s definitely resemblances.  You must be a good mix of all 3 of us. 

-Your hair is coming back father than Lyla’s did.  It’s still pretty dark!

My Lyla Lou!  You’re 21 months and full of it!!  You creep closer and closer to two years everyday.  You really are growing up so fast.  Please stop it! Your personality shows more and more everyday.  Words I would use to describe you: spitefire, spunky, beautiful, funny, alive, happy, excited, silly, wild.  You are such a goer.  You play hard and then crash most days.  You aren’t one to sit for very long.  You want to play play play.  You love people and think everyone should want to play with you Smile You are in a stage where you can finally fulfill all that curiosity you have.  You climb, investigate, sift, and destroy just about anything you can get your hands on.  I am fascinated at how ingenious your imagination is.  You still mimic so much.  Your verbal abilities have blossomed over night!!  It’s strange how your gibberish slowly becomes discernable speech!.  I often catch myself and suddenly realize you just said a sentence that I thought was just gibberish.  You are so smart.  I feel lucky everyday that I get to watch you grow and develop.  I often wonder how I got so lucky to be your mom.  It’s a pleasure my dear. 

-You visit the dentist this month!  You did so good.  He said your teeth are too close together which is causing cavities in between the teeth!  Ahh.  Not good.  I need to floss for you.  He also said you’ll likely have crooked teeth because they’re too close.  He said you’re a little behind getting your teeth but that it’s okay

-You sing Beiber!  It’s so adorable.  You sing “baby baby baby ohh”

-You like collecting random non-toy items and walking around with them or putting them in your purse.  We call them giblets

-You have a LOVE for donuts and walk around saying “doh!”

-The other day dad and I watched as you did the cutest thing with your baby.  First, you put her in the baby bath tub and washed her and wrapped her in the bathmat.  Then, you went into your room and whined until I went in there and picked you up so you could reach into your dressor.  you grabbed some PJ’s and dressed her.  After that you laid her down and grabbed a diaper, wipes, bum cream, and lotion.  You got her all dressed (ishly) and then grabbed hair bow sitting on the couch from Lottie.  You put it on the doll and then put her in the baby swing.  After a few minutes you took her and laid her in your bed and said “nigh night”.  Maybe the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.  You are the sweetest little mommy. 

-When your hands are dirty you say “wash!!!”

-You give pounds and then blow it up!

-You’re getting your canines which came in after your 1 year old molars.  I think that makes 12 teeth.  They were a beast to get just like everything else.  Why do you get 4 at a time!?  You got the horrible bum rash and running nose. 

-You are still such a girly girl.  You’ll look in the mirror and fix your hair like mom.  You want to do everything I do including wipe, wear deodorant, brush your hair, etc etc. 

-You cheer for yourself when you do good things like throw a diaper away for mom

-You got your nails painted the other day like me and Lottie and now you want them touched up daily

-You are such a chocoholic.  I swear you’d live off it if I’d like you

-You  have this horrible regurgitation issue.  You will eat something and store it in your mouth for long periods of time and then spit it out in the randomest places.  We’ve learned not to comment when you’re chickmonking something or then you’ll spit it out for sure.  It’s so weird and not the best phase.

-You are such a squealer/screamer!!

-You say “help me mom!!”  I love it

-The other day you had 2 large balls you were trying to juggle in the both arms.  They kept falling out and and you were clearly getting frustrated with them.  After a minute you took them and put them in your time out corner.  Then you stood there and said “no!”.  After a minute you went and got them and said “yay!!!”.  Way to discipline those unruly balls baby!!

-Some sentences you’ve said are “I want coke” and “Give me that"!”  Not your best side but still impressive

-You look like such a beach bum with that bleached out hair and tan tan skin.  What a beauty you are.  People remark all the time about your beautiful tan skin.  It shows how much you play outside!

-You love eating the cream inside oreos.  Forget about the cookie part though!

-The other day I realized that yummy baby smell is gone.  You don’t use baby lotion anymore because you need thicker for the eczema and your hair is too long now to be coated in lotion.  Your skin is no longer than soft butter feel anymore as well.  It makes me so sad.  My baby is gone and gotten big!

-You are loving picking your nose and will also pick mom and dad’s.  What a sweetheart!

-You have a bikini tan line.  Dad thinks it’s not cool but I love it.  Such a beach baby!

-Two things you say a lot are “mine!” and “me too!” whenever you don’t want to share or feel like you’re being wronged.  lol

-You wore your first piggies this month!!  I call them your evil piggies because they stick up straight in the air and fit your spunky attitude so well.  They’re so stinking cute.

-You really have shown more love for Lottie lately but the other day I left you two on the bed and to run quickly in to grab a diaper.  In two seconds you had grabbed a pillow and was smothering her.  You also took a ice and tried to throw it at her.  Oh, and tried to stab her with the tweezers.  eek

-The other day we went through the pharmacy drive through and you said “coke!!”  Not my finest moment

-You say “sorry!” when you’re mean

-You brush your dolls teeth Smile

-You put yourself in timeout sometimes when you’re naughty.  You will try to bite Lottie and then run to time out.  Geeze

-You would live outside if I’d like you.  All day long I hear “side!”