welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our BabyMoon

My friend Brooke introduced me to the term "babymoon". Like a honeymoon you have before your baby comes. I thought it was quite creative. Guilt causes me to explain however, that this vacation was about resting and spending some quality time together before our lives get turned upside down NOT about having one last hurrah. It always makes me sad when people say that-like your life is ending once you have a baby. I think it's just getting started. Anywho, Todd and i went back and forth for weeks about where to vacation. If air fair had cooperated, we would have gone to Maui (had an awesome opportunity with a timeshare). We also toyed with the idea of the Oregon Coast or somewhere in CA. Finally, it sort of occurred to us that all we really wanted was a week to relax somewhere. We did want to travel too far. We didn't want it to be too hot. We wanted to stay in one place for a week. And we wanted a condo or something where we could cook meals together and what not. So we started looking and found a really cool honeymoon condo in Eden Utah. It's up Ogden Canyon near Snow Basin/Powder Mountain. So that's where we ended up. It was the perfect vacation for me. It was so green and lush and beautiful. The temps were quite perfect as well. We had so much fun relaxing, watching old movies on HBO, going for walks around the lake, eating at nice restaurants, swimming, reading our books on the porch at night, and just hangin out. Todd also enjoyed our private jacuzzi tub. I read an entire book, slept alot and ate alot. It was awesome. We also went into SLC one day and got to hang with Todd's brother and his fam. It was really fun to see them since we don't very often. That night there was a little incident involving Todd pulling over on the freeway (in an oddly large amount of traffic) so I could hurl my guts out. We survived though and only had one more of those incidences the whole vacation. Here's some pictures.....yay for babymoons.

-MooseHollow, the Condo-
-Rainbow Falls-

One night we ate at this really cool restaurant that had private decks that literally extend over the river. It was so pretty.
Pine View Lake

"water skeeting"? some weird machine thing you skeet across the water on. We wondered if this guy invented this because it didn't work that well. Fun to watch though.

Another night we ate at a restaurant that overlooked the lake. When we walked back to our car there were deer like 5 feet away from us.
We also have fun explore the old town of Eden Utah and Huntsville Utah.
The view from our balcony was awesome. There were horses grazing in the next field over and you could also see the lake.
I made Todd take school portraits. sorry honey


Sami said...

Chel that looks like so much fun! The condo looks great that is exactly what Ryan and I need to do. Considering we haven't even had a honeymoon I am dying to get away, just the two of us.