welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Monday, July 6, 2009

Good news, I DON'T have Swine Flu

Remember that cute lil post I made a few weeks ago about life being bliss in prego land? I swear this blog has karmic powers. TWO days later I found myself held hostage in Labor and Delivery getting tested for Swine Flu. Yea, so I was just starting to think I could worry less. I'm feel girlfriend kick so frequently that it really calms my fears. That lasted about two weeks until my fears moved from miscarriage to preterm labor. I just woke up one morning with horrible cramps and pain by my right rib cage. In my delirious state that morning, I thought aunt you-know-who must have come to visit and then shot up in bed like oh crap I hope not. There were some other issues I won't go into as well:) So of course I went into the doctor who did an exam and said that I was not showing any signs of dialation or anything else. He just casually said, "but lets have you head over to L & D for some blood work". So that's what I did thinking nothing of it. Oh contrair! The nurse met me with a mask on her face saying I was going to be tested for swine flu and some other tests like for my galbladder. What the F? I had a fever and what not but swine flu? Seriously. So they locked me in a room with the she-is-toxic sign on the door and anyone who entered had to wear a mask. It was awesome. Have ya heard about what is involved in that bloody test? So not cool. They shove a GIANT tube up your nose and suck a half liter of snot out of it! What was killer was that good ole Kenny from respiratory could not get the tube down the one side of my nose but boy did he sure try before moving to the other side. After being held hostage for about 4 hours, they decided it wasn't the swine and let me go with some instructions (like no hanky panky for a week...haha poor Todd). The gal is okay too so it looks like it was just some random virus. I swear I was a very healthy person before pregnancy came along. I never got sick, never had a UTI, never even went to the dang doctor. Now look at me. Bubble Girl. Oh well, a fun story I guess. I really wasn't that ticked though because I got to spend those three hours hooked up to the fetal monitor which is WAY fun. You can hear every kick and movement. It almost sort of made up for the discomfort, frustration and worry. Almost.


Unknown said...

Holy crap! Talk about a crazy situation. This is going to be a major over share, but I thought of you last week when I discovered I had a UTI ha ha. Thank goodness I'm over that one! Sorry about your crazy swine flu situation. Good grief!

Amber said...

YOu have had quite the stories since you have been prego. I hope you are going to print these all out. To look back on and read

JadeLuckMoney said...

You are totally lucky! My friend Megan from the mission had swine flu, and so did Malea Esplin! Be grateful it was just the tube up the nose and that the results were negative ;)