welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Thursday, June 5, 2008

In Cedar so far....

So I've gotten a few requests that I post about life in Cedar for us AND Ty so here's what we've been up to since moving (aside from unpacking and working). BTW we are officially moved in...yippie! Todd says he likes his job working in the obscure parts of Southern Utah. He has a coworker (who he calls Lew bc he reminds him of my dad) who has taken him under his wing...which I appreciate. The last few days Todd has been manning the shovel (for what reason I don't know) he definitely hasn't enjoyed that too much. I guess it's not strenuous, he just clears out the backhoe (I think)...but it gets old. Also, his truck doesn't have AC... BOO! Aside from those woes, he says the job is pretty good...it seems that him having Fridays off trumps any woe. My days here, I must admit, have been quite foreign and lovely. I wake whenever I want, eat breakfast, walk Ty to my sisters, throw the ball around and then work on the computer doing research for 5-6 hours a day with intermittent "breaks" to play Mario Cart on the WII with my sisters. Pretty rough right? It's so lovely!!! I thought I'd go crazy after working 50 hour work weeks and going to school full time...but the insanity hasn't really set in!! The guilt however has (Todd working his butt off while I leisurely "work") and anticipate looking for a job within the next couple weeks. Todd doesn't want me to though bc he wants me to have Fridays off and thinks I should just relax for a while....ha! Okay, enough riveting updates....here's some pics.

My bro Zach lives in Escalante for the Summer fighting fires, he came home last weekend and we went to the Canyon Park...it was fun!
We had my dad and sisters up for a BBQ of steak and dutch-oven potatoes...delishWe've been having play-dates with my dad's dogs Annie and LB (stands for "little bits"...she''s the huge one). Melissa, her friend and I took them on a walk the other day...my was that an adventuredventure!The way is should be...The way it was....I LOVE THIS PIC!!! All two lbs of Ty ran off LB and Annie from their own water after the walk. What an idiot dog.Ty thoroughly enjoys Grandma's house....she has a huge yard where we play ball everydayTy helps Melissa with her ball-handling skills. I'm not kidding they seriously play soccer together...I joined in yesterday and got a serious work out.Ty also loves Grandma's floor-to-ceiling pantry...He fully got his head stuck in the granola bar box and could not get it off...like I said, what an idiot dogMario Cart on the WII has definitely been another highlight of our time here....Sad as it is, we've had sooo much fun playing it! The other night we played my Friend Tiffany using WIFI...she lives in California...it was so fun!

That's all for now!!!


Michelle Kelly said...

I am so jealous, you guys look like you are having a fun time relaxing. I love your cute little dog!!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you guys are all moved in and enjoying life! That freaking wii...its amazing, I tell you!