welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The coolest thing ever

I've discovered the coolest website on the planet! It's digital photo-book making software that "slurps" all the pictures and texts from your BLOG automatically. Meaning, you make a digital scrapbook completely off blog postings. It's like a photo journal of sorts. I've done books off shutterfly but this is much better bc my whole life is on this blog...so it works. Just thought I'd share!!!
Check it out...


Unknown said...

Hi! How are things with you guys? Your blog is so cute, I love it. I'm not quite engaged yet, but I'm well on my way! Sometime in the next month or so...Pretty crazy! I'm glad I have another blogger friend I can add to my list! Have a great day! :)

Aubree said...

I love this! I am so glad you posted about it!!