welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tanner Park

This Saturday afternoon we met our friends Matt and Kay for a doggie play date at Tanner Park. Matt and Kay have three adorable hounds (all of which are 16X larger than Ty). They introduced us to Tanner Park which is a doggie park like I've never seen! You wind down this fairly steep trail to a canyon-like park. No grass or anything just hills, cliffs, tress, and water! What more could a dog need? This was so much fun! It's so great to be in the doggie network. All owners stop and chat about their dog as they pass...its so friendly! Of course everyone was doting over Ty. Ty had so much fun socializing with Matt and Kay's dogs. They were very patient with him. Ty was so wild and had so much fun. We read somewhere that Jack Russell's think they are twice the size they really are. This was so TRUE! Ty had no healthy sense of fear whatsoever. He ran up to every dog/human we passed. He actually barked at a Great Dane who's head was the size of Ty's whole body. My favorite part by far was just watching Ty be one of the boys (or girls) with the other dogs. He had to be jumping around the hounds the entire time. At one point Kay's dog Sparky started growling and fighting with a random dog...well Ty had to join in! He started growling and barking at this dog with no awareness that the dog was 3X his size. Ah haha. It was so great. Ty got SOOO muddy! By the end he was so exhausted we had to carry him. He has slept pretty much ever since then. Thanks Matt and Kay for the play date!!!

Notice Ty's need to be RIGHT next to the other dogs at all times!
Ty and Chica

Again, having to be one of the boys' (sniffing pooh!!!)

See that little white speck?? Yea, that's Ty (stark contrast eh?)

At the end of the trail there is a fantastic waterfall. Ty got too caught up in bein one of the boys that he jumped in! He immediately freaked out and jumped out. Needless to say, he shook the whole rest of the time :(

Like I said, he was cold!!


Aubree said...

Love that park!! We go there all the time with Lizzie. It's even better in the warm summer time!!