welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tag #3

This one's for you Aubree!

The Rules: Tell 10 interesting/weird things about you, when finished, tag 3 other people!

1. I have a weird thing about my feet being clean and NOT dry. After I shower, I have to put Vaseline and socks on for at least 15 mins. I also wash my feet like 5X a day during the summer

2. I have a skin allergy to metal. Meaning, the button on my pants gives my stomach a perma-rash and I can't really wear jewelry...I don't even have my ears pierced.

3. I, like Aubree (the one who tagged me) got through school pretty quick. Like her, I graduated from H.S. with my Associate's degree.

  • So, I graduated H.S in 2003,
  • Had my bachelors in 2005,
  • And will have my masters by 2008 (thats with taking a year off to get work experience). Not so proud of it though..I was SUCH a loser!!
4. I think my real dad is black. Without product or a flat iron, I have the most rocking fro you've ever seen

5. When I was 11, I would steal my dad's books about therapy and read them. NO shit. I distinctly remember reading this HUGE book on case studies. I had the dictionary near by and had to look up about every other word. That's how I learned the term masochist... I think I called my mom that when I was like 13.

6. I have a love for mini horses. I seriously want one so bad!

7. I can't stand the feel of flour on my hands...blaaah. I have to wash my hands like 50 times when I'm baking

8. I preach about progressive feminism yet i do most the cleaning, make my honey his lunch for work and bake him homemade cookies about every other week. What the hell?

9. I've played the violin since I was 5

10. My lips are crazy red. It's hard to explain but they're so bloody red! One time me and Todd's sisters and nieces all put on the same tube of lipstick. Everyone was laughing so hard at me because my lips were sooo much darker on than theirs. I looked like a hooker. It's really weird.


Amber said...

You crack me up. Thanks for not tagging me. I dont really care to do those. But who does?
When are you guys going to take a trip down here?

Aubree said...

Loved it!! You are a brain. I'm impressed.