welcome to my internet home. this blog used to be cool, with insights about mental health, social policy, pop culture and the like. now, it's a chaotic collection of my mis-spelled, scribbled-down notes on motherhood (who has time to proof read?). it's over-ran with goldfish cracker crumbles, slobery wet kisses, and un-edited pictures. and i would have it no other way. feel free to laugh and cry along side me while I balance a practice (mental heath) and motherhood, and their interconectedness

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Pseudo Christmas

Dec 21, 2007. Our plans for Christmas are to spend Dec 22 to Dec 25th with the Gambles, come back to Salt Lake for the rest of the week, and then spend Dec 29th to Jan 06th with my family. My brother returns from Ukraine on the 4th so my family will be celebrating Christmas then. Due to the extent of traveling involved in our holiday plans, Todd and I decided to celebrate a "PSEUDO CHRISTMAS" with each other. We exchanged gifts, and then braved the snow storm for a lovely dinner of two. Here's some photos from the night.

The much-anticipated Christmas gift. Just wanted to show off this fantastic ribbon I found at Wal-mart of all placesThe gift of anticipation was a JUKE cell-phone. Getting this gift was such a pain in the butt bc our contract was not eligible for an upgrade. Being that I refused to pay full price, my sister graciously offered to allow me to buy the phone on her new contract and she would use Todd's old phone. Thus, I had to coordinate getting the contract renewal from my sister, exchanging the phone without Todd knowing while navigating through all these archaic cell-phone rules that I didn't anticipate. You'd think this would be a fairly easy process....NOT! Todd had no idea he was getting it. I found his pining after this phone so cute that I just had to get it for him. You know when you just want something for no logical reason, but you just want it? That was this for Todd and I just had to help him indulge in it.

Look at that SMILE!

It's tinier than even this picture indicatesIt has a 2 gig IPOD feature (if you can't tell I was still in the process of wrapping presents)I also got Todd a nice zip-up jacket I forgot to take a picture of all of my gifts! Perhaps done subconsciously bc I felt guilty for how spoiled I was. Todd got me PINK perfume from VS, a gift certificate to Victoria's Secret (not for what you think...it was bc just a few weeks earlier the wire came out of my favorite bra..he remembered, isn't that cute?), an entire outfit and shoes. He also had some presents sent to his mom's house for me...more on that later!

Before we set out for dinner we took some Christmas pics. We made a make-shift tripod...this shot was taken before we got all the jitters worked out. I thought it was funny. Under the MISTLE TOE!!!MUAH! A Christmas Kiss