Shortly before Todd and I were married, I learned that I had been accepted into the MSW graduate program at the U. Thus, less than one month following our wedding, we packed everything and moved to Salt Lake. This is where we are currently and where we spent the first year of our marriage. Here is some highlights of our first year together as a married couple...
Todd and I found an apartment in one day, moved in, and I started school the next week. While the apartment was and is tiny, it's cozy and we have fun in our humble beginnings. I began adjusting to the life of a full-time graduate student. I also began an internship for 20 hours a week at a medication-assisted substance abuse treatment center Here I worked as a mental health therapist under close supervision. I mostly did individual psychotherapy and helped clients with gettting their medication. In late september I was also offered a great job working as a research analyst with the Social Research Institute through the University of Utah. I worked (and currently work) with them for an additional 20 hours a week. I work with a great professor on some exciting projects (more on this later)... Through this I also get my tuition paid for in full. This had been one of the greatest blessing in my life. I really saw the lord's hand in my life when I was contemplating getting another job (I'm glutting for punishment) and a professor approached me and asked me to work for him based on a stupid paper I wrote for his class. Todd also started a new Job at Burton Lumber after only two days of living in Salt Lake. He worked (and works) a minimum of 50 hours a week AND took Internet classes through SLCC. He is so supportive of me and works VERY HARD. Each morning Todd and I had to be to work by 5:30am and didn't return until nearly 7pm each night...only to begin homework. I think we could both say this was one of the hardest years of our life, but indefinately one of the happiest too.
September 27, 2006
Todd's B-day
Fall 06' was definately hallmarked with the 2 BYU Football Games we went to. Both b-day presents (you didn't read wrong... I go to the U, Todd just LOVES BYU!!!)

We finally got to go to the Fall session of General Conference in the new Conference Center.jpg)
Elsie the Bee!
Icing Sugar Cookies... (looking spooky!) I was not feeling well that day-if ya can't tell. HEHE
We spent it with the Gambles (everyone decorated their own place mats)
Hockey Games! Todd's sister has season tickets, so we spent several fall/winter weekends cheering on the Grizzlies.

The season came so quick. I survived my first semester of graduate school and began celebrating the season. My fam came up from Cedar and we went to see the beautiful lights. 

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Our very first Christmas TREE!!
Our festive Home...
Valentines Day
Todd suprised me this these beautiful roses AND a weekend getaway to this lovely resort in Midway.
The fancy room...
The view from our room.
It was such a romantic weekend.
Todd and I also went to several concerts over the year including this one, The Fray, Taylor Swift, Peter Breinholt...twice, and Ryan Shupe

We even celebrated St. Patricks Day!

Todd and I had a extraordinarily relaxing Summer. I was out of school and only working at my job with the Social Research Institute (after having two jobs and going to school full time one job feels like heaven!). Todd was taking a few Internet classes and working a lot, but still managed to spend lots of time vacationing with me.
The summer following our first year of marriage was definitely hallmarked by the time we spent at Todd's sister's cabin in Provo Canyon. We are truly indebted to them for sharing their little piece of heaven with us. Lying in the hammock with the flowing river aside, getting lost in crackle of the camp fire, and listening to the Heber Creeper steam are only mere glimpses into the sheer nirvana of time spent at the Cabin.

We also loved spending time with the family... mostly playing games. Here's just us girls.

So there's the recap. I hope that a picture really is worth 1,000 words, in relaying the wide spectrum of emotions and experiences Todd and I had the fortune to share in during our first year of marriage. Here's to many more...
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